Monday, April 30, 2012

Not a bad day.. So my good day streak? Yeah. Still going.

Well.. Today was.. Interesting.

Joke's on you.
It was boring.

Woke up depressed. Very depressed.
In fact, I'm still a little depressed.
But, I swear Jessica is psychic. I woke up upset, and she sent me a cute message that made me smile.
She manages to make me smile every day, even if it's just over text.
It makes me happy that she makes me happy.
If that makes sense.

I don't feel like blogging at the moment.
I'm.. I don't know.

However, I would NOT call today a bad day.
So my streak is still going! Woot woot!
Tomorrow will most likely be pretty boring.
But Wednesday, Jessica and I are having another movie night. And Thursday, we're going to get lunch with Christine and Caleb! A large portion of their class are being hormonal immature stupid people.
So we're going to walk in and take them to lunch.
Because they really need an escape.

So yeah.
I'm excited for Wednesday and Thursday ( :
Hopefully this weekend, Jessica and I can go hang out and do fun stuff outside the house!
She's going to teach me to play the violin one of these days.
Which I'm looking forward to.

This picture is the background on my laptop, phone, and iPod! It's my favorite.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Still having good days!

Today was nice! I woke up, played some video games, made myself look pretty, then picked up Jess.
We went to Old Town today. It was fun! We walked around a bit. We got some drinks. She got a Snapple, and I got a Sobe. We talked about some interesting things today!

We were sitting on a bench, holding hands, drinking our drinks, and people watching.
You know how Sobe lids say something underneath?
I opened up mine and it said "Hey Boy! Hey Girl!"
It was so cute! It made us smile.
I'd take a picture of it, but I'm lazy.
I'll do it later.
Then we went back to my house and watched some random stuff. Just hung out around the house. It was nice.
We took a lot of webcam pictures today! They make me smile.

Then I went out to get coffee with Bethany! It was fun hanging out with her again. After we got coffee, we drove to my friend Alicia's house and said hello! It made her smile.
Then I got some Qdoba and headed home.

That's my day!
I'm glad I'm still having good days. At least for now.
I mean, I have moments where I'm depressed. But for the most part, it's all good!
So hopefully I can keep that up.

So yup.
Good night everyone!
Have a good day today.


The Good Day Streak: Still Going!

Again, I had an amazing night.
I went and picked up Jessica around 5ish. Not a good idea, considering everyone and their entire extended family gets off from work about that time. So it took a bit longer than normal to get there.
But I made it! I got there and helped her dad move a table into the kitchen.
Part of me thinks he was waiting for me to test me, in which case, I passed the test!
We basically just did what we do every time.
Wait to take over the WORLD!
Pinky and the Brain joke right there.

But anyway.
We took silly webcam pictures then watched random stuff.
We watched a stand-up comedy routine.
Then Robot Chicken.
Then Tangled.
Then Robot Chicken.
Then Zombieland.
Then Robot Chicken.

We kept getting distracted and bored of the movies, so we went back to Robot Chicken.
Quite a few times actually.
That was our night.
We ended up talking about a lot of really really deep and personal topics.
I don't regret any of that. We talked about so much.
We opened up in a way that neither of us had done in a while.
It was... Freeing? I guess that's the right word. It was just a good night.
It was awesome.

Tomorrow, we're going to Old Town to walk around and do random stuff!
That should be a good time too. She's going to show me how to play the piano!
Also, we've decided to learn to play the ukulele and violin together.
So we can do that in Old Town. Like bosses.

Today was good!
I will talk to you all again tomorrow.
Either way.

Have a good morning everyone! Today will be good ( :


Stupid YouCam watermark.

Friday, April 27, 2012

It's the weekend! Opah!

Today was...
Not very bad or good, actually.
I'm sitting in my basement with Aaron and Ian, which is awesome. I love spending time with these guys. They're so much fun to be around. And we're all geeky together! Woohoo!

Not much has happened today.
Went to class, came home, video games, went to work, came home.
Although, I have to say...
I liked waking up and being someone's boyfriend.
It's a really really good feeling. I love being able to call her "my girl", and I love hearing her say "my boy".
It's kind of fun!
It makes me smile.

I'm a very happy person overall right now. I mean, I have my bad moments.. But I'm generally happy.
Which is nice.

That's my day!
Tomorrow, Jessica and I are watching some movies at my house. Then Sunday, we're going to go randomly do stuff! Maybe go to a park or something.
Sounds like a good weekend to me!

Good night everybody!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

I got stalked today!

Today... Today had it's ups and downs.
Down, I got threatened and tailgated through my neighborhood by a scary man in a truck.
Basically, there were two lanes, one was pretty full. This guy was next to me and floored it, determined to cut in between me and the other cars in front. So, I sped up by about 5 miles per hour. Because it was REALLY not smart for him to try and cut through about 2 car lengths into another lane. It was scary.
Then he decided it was smart to pull into the turn lane next to me, start swearing, yelling, and threatening me that he was going to kick my ass. I basically waited for him to stop yelling, then said "cool story bro!" Then looked ahead and ignored him.
So he tailgated me through my neighborhood. So I didn't really head home right away. He followed me for about 5 minutes. Then I went into a side street. He drove off, so I went home.
Needless to say, I haven't left the house since I got home.
It was a little scary to me. It's not that big of a deal, but I just didn't like it.
So that's the "down" part.

On the upside, I'm dating Jessica!
I'm officially in a relationship with her. Which is pretty cool.
That's really all that I have to say about that!
Long story short.

So... Yup.
That's my day!
So far I haven't gotten any shit from anyone, which is really nice.

So yeah!

I'm off to bed.
Just kidding. Back to Dungeon Defenders!

Bye bye!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Made it!

I made it!
I was scared of today.
But I made it through today.
Well, yesterday.

So yeah.

I'm leaving this post short because I don't really feel like writing a long post.
Long story short.

I woke up, went to class, bought LUNCH for the first time in a long time.
It was strange.
Then I went home, played music, listened to music, (tried to) write music, then played a bunch of video games to keep myself distracted!

Then I went to pick up Jessica (her car's coolant system got all jacked up), and we basically sat around at home and watched random Netflix stuff!
Archer, Gabriel Iglesias, Steve Byrnes.. Various funny things.

We made funny faces.

While I'm in a good mood, I'm going to get off my blog now!
Good morning world, and I hope you have a fantastic day ( :


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Time for Bed!

I've decided to stop writing my titles first.
Why? Because I often change it anyway!
This is the first time in a while I've blogged before later in the night.
I found out that I didn't have to attend today's lab.... Which really pissed me off.
I did not wake up in a good mood. I'm still not in a good mood.
In fact, I'm quite depressed. For a large number of reasons. But I won't address those right now!
Because it's only 1:02 in the afternoon, and odds are, I'll forget about those reasons in about an hour.
That's the upside to having fluctuating moods. I'll forget about being depressed and feel okay.
Even if it's for an hour, every little bit helps.
It was warm this morning.. Now it's windy. And overcast.
And I'm pretty damn sure it's going to be raining by the time I get out of my next class.
Which means I get to walk in the rain to the parking garage. At least I don't have to walk a long distance.

I'm sitting outside because about 10 minutes ago, it was nice and warm. Now it's windy.
I think Colorado weather changes as fast as my moods.
Which is interesting. I wonder if my moods are influenced by the weather.
I mean, not in some crazy supernatural way. During winter, people are depressed more.
You know? So maybe if it was sunnier and such I'd be feeling better.
Oh well.
Not sure.
Tomorrow is either going to be terrible, amazing, or a mix.
I'm not quite sure which one. My intent is to make it amazing. But that depends on a few variables that I don't control, and a couple that I can control.
So.. Hopefully my determination wins out.

I'm kind of frustrated that I haven't come up with any good topics to blog about.
I mean, I'm not depressed and I don't beat myself up over it, but.. It kind of bothers me.
I suppose I just have to be in the right mood to come up with a good topic.

Oh! Something kind of cool. A couple weeks ago, I sent an email to someone on the TWLOHA.. Group? Foundation? Company? Whatever.
I sent an email to someone on the team that talked about my blogs and at least.. The ones that I liked.
You know, the respect one, the girl one, the cutting one, the happier ones, the pep talk ones.. I sent an email talking about that and if they wanted to try and distribute them or something.
I have to explain, I didn't do it to try and get famous or make money or anything!
I did it because I feel like there are some people who would like to read some of them, and such.
She replied and said she would pass them around the team.
Yay! I accomplished something!

Which is good.
It's the first interesting thing I've done besides playing Dungeon Defenders.
Although hanging out with Jessica and Meghan really really makes me smile and happy.
Oh goodness. I'm smiling right now.
It's weird. Just thinking about them makes me smile.
Or as Jessica would say, "get a face boner".
It makes me laugh really hard.
Because hanging out with her really makes me grin like an idiot.

Well. I'm gonna go watch Dungeon Defenders videos!
I need to find the best way to farm guardians. Which I'll do today for a bit.
So good bye for now, I'll talk to you later!


My day didn't change much actually.
I stayed at home then went to work.
I told Jessica to stop by if she had time.. She got there! Right after I left.
It made me upset. I was very sad about it.
But.. I don't know.

But I'm happy right now!
Well.. Happy-ish. My mood has been swinging most of the day.
I'm not doing too badly right now.
But I'm gonna get off my blog for now.
I shall talk to you all later!

Sleep well, and have a good day ( :


Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 4! Still going!

I have to say, tonight was wonderful.
I got to hang out with that girl and her friend, and her friend's brother!
Ah hell.
I'm going to start using their names now. It's easier than just using pronouns.

"That girl" is Jessica, and her friend is Meghan.
I was hanging out with Jessica and Meghan, and Meghan's brother.
It was awesome!

First we got to sit back and watch Meghan and her brother play Call of Duty (on the wii, so not REAL CoD)
It was really really entertaining. We realized Meghan can't run up stairs, she gets caught in sewers, and they both throw lots of grenades at each other. It was awesome.
Then we watched some Monty Python. We all started quoting the movie and following along with the lines.
So... We'd all seen it quite a few times. Obviously.

Then Meghan and her brother went out to King Soopers to get some food.

Jessica and I basically sat around and played with the kitty and watched Monty Python.

Then they came home, and.. Well, I don't eat real food for dinner. Maybe a cheese tortilla and an apple.
They came home with those little steak things, and 4 cobs of corn.
That's SO MUCH FOOD to me!
I mean, 2 waffles is a lot of food to me.
Seriously. I hate eating. With a passion.

But.. I ate with them around me.
And it was one of the most fun dinners I've had in a while, aside from the one with my family together.
We were eating dinner, and laughing about random stuff, when it got silent.
We were eating our own little portions, then.. Meghan's brother starts putting butter on his corn, saying "Mmm yeahh.. Get some butter all over that. Yeahhh... Mmmm. Oh, and some salt? OH and pepper?? Oh you dirty dirty girl.. Yeahh I like it like that." Then licking the corn cob......

Well we all lost it. And laughed. Very hard.
I can no longer eat corn and not laugh. Or feel dirty, spreading all that delicious hot butter over it.
Hahahaha. I'm laughing just thinking about that.
I swear.. They (Mostly Jessica) are some of the few people that can consistently make me smile without being around me. Just thinking about hanging out with them makes me laugh.
So yeah.

When I started this blog, I thought it was going to be the c-c-c-combo breaker night.
But I sat back and thought about it, and it's not.

That's my day.
Mostly my night.
My day was bad. I was having emotional issues on top of....
Okay, this is small and silly, but it's really really true.
So I kind of like music, right?
More than like. Music is the best thing on this earth.
And every day, I take my earbuds with me to class so I can have music with me in between trips and during my off hour. I know it's silly, but music is what helps me through those short times.
I woke up in an unhappy mood and.. Well, I got to the parking garage and reached for my earbuds..
And they weren't there. That's a small thing to be unhappy with, but.. It really really hurt.
So I was depressed and unhappy basically all day.
But I got home and went to work, then came back and went to Meghan's with Jessica.

That's my day in a nutshell!

So good night everybody, have a good day when you wake up!

You know the drill..
I'm off to play video games until I go to sleep.
Probably Dungeon Defenders, maybe a little Street Fighter.
Bye bye ( :


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 3 of my Good Day Streak!

Well! I'm still on my Good Day Streak!
I'm very happy about that.

It's still going.
Today, I didn't accomplish much.

However, I have a paper due on Tuesday, and I got off my ass and wrote most of it! So I only have a little left.
Which is good.

Um.. That's basically my day.
Wrote a bit, listened to lots of music, played lots of Dungeon Defenders...

I had a good day. I talked to that girl more! And we're going to go game at her friend's house tomorrow.
However, I need to define "gaming" with them.. It's not that I don't enjoy it!
I have an amazing time with them! But it's just Mortal Kombat, Mario Kart, and various games.
So I wouldn't call it gaming per se, but it's still really fun!
So I guess I'm the only serious gamer there. But hey. I still have lots of fun. So it's worth it!

Oh! In Dungeon Defenders, I'm learning to open my own shop and start pricing items I find.
However, I suck at determining prices. So! I'm doing "research" right now.
I'm starting to keep an inventory of the items I have.


I finally get to use all the things I learned in my Personal Computing class last semester!
I can even organize things by type, armor piece, and such.
It's pretty cool.
This way I can look at all the details and determine price.

I'm weird like that.

So good night everybody!
I'm sorry I haven't been doing my usual  "Daily" stuff. I decided to take a break from that for a while.
I need to find new Youtube videos to put up!

Have a good day everybody ( :


Great night for the second time in a row!

So I hung out with that girl again, and it was great ( :
For a couple hours we sat in the basement watching various comedians, and it was great.
We had lots of laughs, and we both were immature enough to laugh at the fart jokes! So I wasn't the only person who thought they were funny!

"When does a boy become a man? I'll tell you when a boy becomes a man. When he can hear the word 'Bangkok' and not laugh. That's right, NEVER. You will NEVER be a man!"

That's Steve Byrnes. I got her addicted to him, after only watching one stand-up!
We're watching him again whenever we hang out again.

Then after we watched some funny stuff, we went and hung out at her friend's house! It was awesome.
We went over because she sent us a text saying she had spaghetti! So we went over and had some delicious spaghetti! Then we listened to some music, looked at some photos of their trip to South Dakota, played Mortal Kombat, played Mario Party, and watched Big Bang Theory! I'd never seen it, and I loved it.
In one episode. So I got her addicted to Steve Byrnes, and she got me addicted to Big Bang Theory. Oh! We also watched Workaholics. That was funny too! But I think Big Bang Theory was better. At least out of those two episodes.

So yeah.
That was my night!
Pretty simple, but awesome nonetheless.
That's 2 great nights in a row! That's pretty good for me.
The first time I have a bad night, I'm 99% sure the title of the blog will be 'C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!'
Just watch.

So I also have been.... Playing Dungeon Defenders.....
A lot.
A very lot lot.
I decided to make my Barbarian a DPS character because.. Well, if I want to get trans armor for my Countess, I need to make bank. And the money is in Survival Nightmare Hardcore mode. And unless you're the builder, you need to be a DPS tank. And since I don't have the money to solo Nightmare Hardcore, I need to be DPS! So yeah...
Fact of the day.

I'm off to sleep again.
Oh! Also, we listened to Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga.. Chris Brown.. B.O.B... Lil Wayne... It was fun!
They were surprised I was able to (mostly) rap to Look At Me Now. Which.. Well, one of my closest friends got me into rap and such, so.. I'm glad they did. My musical scope isn't so small anymore.

I'm going to sleep!
Hah. that's a lie.
I my meds when I got home, so I'm actually going to stay up and play.. Guess what game?





Mario Party!

Dungeon Defenders. All the way.

Good morning everybody!
Have a good day ( :


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Watching me some GI Joe. Right meow.

Tonight was fantastic!

It was easily the best night I've had in months.
In fact, today started out being absolutely terrible.
I woke up late, I went to class and slept through almost all my classes.
I had a really bad day.

Came home, played some video games and watched Two-Headed Shark Attack! on Netflix.
It was.....

Yeah. It's just like the title sounds.
It was one of those movies.
It was funny.
I think the only reason the shark had two heads was so the producers could take everyone down in pairs.
That was that.

Then I had a friend over!
A girl.
A female!
In my house.
That's crazy talk!
She came over around 7:30 or so, and just left.
We watched a couple movies and made more movie plans!

We watched Fern Gully (a 'fairies in the forest opposing the evil INDUSTRY' movie. Green propaganda for kids!)

It was cute. It was a kid's movie, and I liked it!
Then we watched the first Hangover movie.
We got about 1/3 of the way into the second Hangover, before we talked about cats, and both of us said something to the effect of "right meow".
We turned off Hangover and watched Super Troopers!
It was an amazing night.
She loved Frankie (my puppy) and Frankie really really liked her!
It was fun just sitting on the couch and watching funny movies.
Throughout the night we mentioned other movies, saying,
"Have you seen this movie? No? OH MY GOD YOU NEED TO SEE IT!"
So we're going to start making a list of movies that the other one of us needs to see.

It was an awesome night.
So I took my medication, and I'm watching GI Joe! The cartoons! Because they have that on Netflix.
Also, every time Snake Eyes comes in, it plays generic asian ninja music.
It's awesome.

So I'm going to play some Dungeon Defenders and head to sleep soon!
Good night every body ( :


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Medication +1! Awakeness -2.

I got one of my medications boosted.
I'm not sure if it will make me sleepier, but I might as well blog now, so I don't fall asleep.

My day..
Woke up, went to therapy.
Came home, went to class.
Hung around the house until now.
Not feeling too good.
Physically and emotionally.

So I'm going to stop now!
I will talk to you all in the morning.

Have a good day!

Also, I got my countess to level 76.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm quite bored.

Short blog post.
I'm not in the mood to blog right now.
Not upset, just....

Not in the mood.

So yeah.

Good night ( :

I hope you all have a good day!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

AFK party time!

Today wasn't really bad, or good.
I found out that I got a 48 on that Bio test I had on Monday..
Well, I wasn't expecting anything higher than a 50, so at least my hopes weren't dashed.
But it does mean I need to step up my game. And get better grades.
On the final.
Because that's all that I have left.

So I need to do that.

My day consisted of Dungeon Defenders, studying, eating, and.... That's it.
Oh, and some Mythbusters.
I got my ranger to level 74 today. Awesome.
This guy helped me level from 70 to 74, gave me a mythical weapon perfect for a trapper, and did two nightmare hardcore challenges for me, which got me two amazing weapons!
Oh, and he helped me get a genie familiar.
So I like him. He offered to help whenever I need it.
I'm now working on leveling my monk.
I want to be able to solo, and a trapper by itself can't do that easily. Due to the ninjas.
So I'm building a hybrid monk to accompany my trapper. That way, I can pop my epic traps, then put up auras to make areas of doom, then use the dps to clear out anything left.
It's going to be awesome. When everything is a decent level.

That's basically the extent of my day!

So... Yeah.
I'm off to sleep now.

That's a lie.
I'm going to keep playing Dungeon Defenders for a while, then go to sleep.

So good night!
Have a good day ( :


Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Starships by Nicki Minaj
  2. Billie's Bounce by Buddy Rich
  3. Blah Blah Blah by Ke$ha
  4. Anywhere But Here by Mayday Parade
  5. Miserable At Best by Mayday Parade
Video Game of the Day

Vagrant Story. Oldschool PS1 game. Really awesome.

Youtube Video of the Day

You're welcome.

Picture(s) of the Day

I made that one!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Vegas Dream, Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat.

The title basically outlines my night!
It was pretty amazing.

However, back to the afternoon for right now.
I took a test that I'm 99.9% sure I failed. It's stressing me out, and I'm extremely disappointed in myself.
But I ended up going and picking up a couple things at Best Buy!
My Skullcandy earbuds died, so I needed a new pair. But rather than spend lots of money on one pair that might break, I split the cost and bought 2 pairs so if one dies, I'll have another.
Neither of them are Skullcandies.
I bought a $20 pair of Ecko earbuds and a $20 pair of Sony headphones.
For $20, the Sony pair is REALLY good! The Ecko pair is so-so, but not too bad. They work for what I need them for.

Back to my evening.

I headed out around 7:30 or so to hang out with new people!
Yay! I'm excited. I'm actually making more friends.
Although, I do need to get my ass out to meet new people in college. I really do.
I'm not saying it's bad that I'm meeting new people, it's just.. Well, I need to find new college people.
That I'll see every day. That I can study with. I need to get on that!

I hung out with two people. Two girls, in fact! I'm so popular!
We went to their house and just chilled around for a bit.
Then we decided it was time for me to FINALLY smoke hookah.
Because I haven't. And now I have.
It was actually really fun! We had this flavor called Vegas Dream. I'm not sure what it was comprised of but.. It was pretty good.
And I wasn't sure when people said you got a buzz from hookah. Well, I now know you do.
It isn't a crazy high at all. It's not intense, it's not long. But it's a buzz.
It hit me after about 15 or 20 minutes, when I tried to ready myself to stand up.
I didn't faceplant or anything, but I... Definitely felt buzzed. I was just feeling fuzzy.
If that makes sense.
I stopped taking deep breaths because I wasn't sure how long it would last.
It lasted a total of... Basically 10 minutes.
Well, now I know. I can smoke more hookah, whenever the next time that is.

Then we basically hung around the house, talked, and played with her cats. They were so cute!
I've never held a kitten, and it purred. It made me happy! They're SO CUTE.

We then played Mario Kart and Mortal Kombat.
On the n64.

They both whooped my ass on Mario Kart though... I haven't played it in so long, but they play it whenever they hang out, so I got.. Owned. But I'll catch up! I will eventually catch up  to their level of skill.
One of these days.

That's basically my night.. Headed home about 12:00 am.
So I got home, popped my pills, and sat down to blog. I'm also reviewing some stuff for my bio lab tomorrow.

That's my night.
It was pretty damn awesome.
So good morning everyone, and have an awesome day.



Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Gravedigger by Dave Matthews Band
  2. Valkyrie Missile by Angels and Airwaves
  3. Wait and Bleed by Slipknot
  4. Line of Best Fit by Death Cab for Cutie
  5. Turn It Off by Paramore
Video Game of the Day

Mario Kart. On the n64. Like a boss.

Youtube Video of the Day

Picture(s) of the Day

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Should I tell a joke about sodium? Na.

It's that time again!
That fabulous time of the day where you sit back, and read short little blips of my thoughts for entertainment.

Sadly, I shall be disappointing you again tonight.
Yes, yes, I apologize.

I'm making this one exceptionally short because:

1. I need to finish soloing The Throne Room on Insane on Dungeon Defenders before I got to sleep.
2. I studied a lot to day, and I'm slightly brain dead.

So good night!
Short blogs.

Tomorrow will be more entertaining.
I'm hanging out with a couple new people!
So I shall update you on that tomorrow.

Good night world ( :


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Aaron is building his pyramids!

So, tonight's blog is going to be short. I'm at a friend's house, and I don't want to make a really long blog.
I'm in a fantastic mood.
I was not happy whatsoever about... An hour ago.
However, I talked to one of my closest friends, and... She really helped.
So if you read this blog, thank you very much, you know who you are ( :

Right now, I'm sitting and hanging out with a bunch of friends.
It's amazing.

I'm having a phenomenal night.
So, good night everybody!


Friday, April 13, 2012

Nobody invites Stefan...Awwwww....

Well let's see here...
I'm blogging on my second laptop right now, because I'm playing league of Legends with some of my friends!
It's fun. And I've decided to blog here each time the game loads, that way I can go to sleep right away when I want to go to sleep!

I like League of Legends. I'm trying a crit page Ashe build, and it works great. All crit runes, except for my quints, which are crit damage runes. It gives me around 21% crit chance, with about 15% extra crit damage.
Along with masteries, I have a level 1 crit of 144 damage.
It's ridiculously entertaining.
I like this.
It's fun! I really like it.

My day was uneventful. Pretty boring actually.
Not much happened.
Went to class.
Came home.
Went to work.
Came home.
Video games!

Today was....
Lonely. Especially the night. It was bad...
I'm still feeling... Lonesome.
I just...
Sigh. Not a happy camper tonight.
Well, there's a lot of reasons why. But this isn't about that.
So none of that. I'm pretty much going to leave my post there.
I'm bored, so I'm going to go back to playing video games!

Good morning everyone, have a good day ( :



Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Ticket To Heaven by 3 Doors Down
  2. Hiatus by Sugarcult
  3. Be Somebody by Kings of Leon
  4. Surrender by Matchbook Romance
  5. Everlong by Foo Fighters
Video Game of the Day

League of Legends

Youtube Video of the Day

Picture(s) of the Day

Because this is the only picture on this laptop. ;

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Friends.. Friends everywhere!


Today was boring.
I had my psychiatrist appointment this morning.
We decided to move up one of my medications by 50 mg.
I'm having more depressive episodes as of late, and hopefully it'll help a little bit. Or a lot.
Either one.
More depression isn't a very good thing, now is it?
Ah well.

I then took my abnormal psychology test. I think I did fairly well!
It was more information that I understand.
Various disorders and such. Personality disorders, eating disorders, sexual disorders, etc.
It was all things I could do. Basically small and simple diagnoses.
So I'm eagerly awaiting my grade.
I think I did well.

Then I came home, and took a break. Then my friend Brittany invited me to study!
So we spent a couple hours studying, and I think it really helped. We're going to study on Saturday and Sunday as well. I really think it'll help me get a good grade! We promised to pass our bio class with no less than a C.
So I'm happy about that.

I also played the drums a bit today. Something interesting happened.
I realized that I'm not very good at playing a drum solo. I mean, I can experiment with beats and rhythms on the fly, but it just didn't feel... Fluid. But it turns out, I can play a big band styled solo. I mean, it's not really what I play constantly, so I'm not used to it. But I'm going to learn. I need to. I need a new genre.

Tomorrow, I made plans with a friend to hang out with her and her friend. I'm looking forward to that.
Very much so. I'm quite excited! I'm glad I'll get to hang out with some new people. I need to do that more often. Hmph. Then next week, one of my friends is coming down from Washington to visit!!! That's exciting too! I haven't seen her in a year or so, so it'll be nice to hang out with her once again.

Then I basically came home and played video games and such.
I watched a few different animes. I'm trying to pick a new one to watch, and I think I found it!
It's called Initial D. It's about street racing. An older-ish one, but still good. I like it. So far, at least.
I tried watching Witchblade.

Tits. Tits everywhere! Almost as bad as Ivy from Soul Calibur. Seriously.


Hmm I suppose that's it for now.
I'm going to get some sleep.
Not feeling too well.

See you all tomorrow ( :



Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. For No One by KoRn
  2. Adam's Song by Blink-182
  3. Wait And Bleed by Slipknot
  4. Forgiven by Disturbed
  5. The Unthinking Majority by Serj Tankian 
Video Game of the Day

League of Legends

Youtube Video of the Day

Picture(s) of the Day

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Behold! My blog! The second half is more interesting than the first.

You know what really pisses me off?
When someone jumps into someone else's life and starts to give them shit for their decisions.
I mean, really. If someone is happy with their decisions and where they are in life, why should you bring them down? What gives you the right to ruin things for them? Who are you to think that you can hurt them?

Seriously! It's always bothered me, but I suppose it's only recently that I've really been pissed off about it.
Two of my closest friends started dating. I think they are very good together! They're cute, and they fit well together. The problem is, they go to a school where... Things spread fast, and people often get involved with drama, even if they don't want to. That's why, personally, I'm glad to be out of that particular school.
It's nice.

But anyway.
People have started giving them various shit for dating. Which really, really bothers me.
Seriously. Two people are dating, whoop-de-doo. You don't have to jump in and get involved with their lives and start giving them shit. Just because you don't like something, it doesn't mean you have the right to start hurting them, it doesn't mean you should purposely jump in and try to.. I don't know, break them down?
It's interesting.. I've unfriended multiple people from that school. Not just because of this situation. Just...
I don't agree with the way some people there think. Some people there are too concerned with making themselves look good that they forget common courtesy. Keep in mind, I said "some", not all. Definitely not all.
I met some of my best friends there. But there are quite a few people there that I don't necessarily... Like the way they act. If that makes sense.

I don't like it when people give other people shit. That's really the... Synopsis of this blog. So far, at least.
I don't have much else to say.
I'm not really in a good mood.

I woke up feeling like shit, and the cold weather just... Added to it.
I love rain. I love the overcast skies. But today... I just.. I don't know.
Today, it just made things worse.
I'm not happy right now.
I'm upset.
So I'm going to stop writing.
I will get back on later tonight, hopefully to write something better.


Behold! My blog!
In all it's radiance!

Bask in the glow of my blog.


Also, I bet the basilisk in Harry Potter would have gotten more looks if it wore yoga pants.

I wish I could say I said that, but Cooper did.
It's funny. And I said it.

I've realized something. Strange.
And interesting.
And scary.
I'm turning into a teenage girl!

I'm taking webcam pictures for fun.
Oh well.
I think it's because I want to be cute. Haha.
That's so weird, but it's true. I want girls to look at me and think "Oh, he's kind of cute!"
So I guess I do that. But I don't spam it. I don't take tons and tons of pictures of the exact same pose, with different facial expressions. I take pictures of stupid little drawings instead!

Like this one.
I'm Alan Rickman. Suck it.

And this one.


I lost my mood ring. I don't know how I feel about that.
Get it? JOKE.

Hah. I'm so funny.
I'm in a much better mood than I was earlier, in case you haven't noticed.
But I think I'll go to bed now.
Well, not go to bed.
But hang out.
I'm watching The Master Of Disguise. It's a funny movie!
Hopefully it'll make me laugh until I go to sleep : )

Good night everybody!



Top Five Songs of the Day
  1. Grey by Yellowcard
  2. Firefly by Breaking Benjamin
  3. Boy Crazy by New Found Glory
  4. Worst December by Sugarcult
  5. Coming Undone by KoRn
Video Game of the Day

Fun game.

Youtube Video of the Day

Picture(s) of the Day


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bunnies! Bunnies Everywhere!

It's interesting..
I don't think I'm very good at drumming, but I want to put my covers up on Youtube.
I think it's because I want feedback.
There are some people on Youtube who generally give good feedback and are interesting.

And then there's the rest of them.

I'm hoping I'll avoid finding people like that.
However, that's a lot to hope for.
I honestly just want to get my covers up on Youtube because... I don't know.
I want to be known for something. You know?
So I guess I just need to get my ass up and give that guy a call. I want to get this process moving.
Hmm. I don't know what else is really on my mind. Well, I suppose that's not right.
I just don't know what I want to actually talk about.

Interesting. Yesterday, I was writing an introduction for my lab report. Which is going to suck, by the way.
I don't like science. I hate it! I really do.
But anyway. I was stuck in a writer's block, and I was having trouble focusing and coming up with ideas of what to cover and what to research. It was really really stressing me out.
And... Well, the most fascinating thing happened.
I've always known that listening to different types of music can affect you in multiple ways, even helping your focus and mental efficiency.
We've all heard that listening to classical music helps, and.. I guess I never believed it.
Until yesterday.
I started listening to some Mozart and Bach, and... Wow. It really really helped.
I find that just... Absolutely fascinating.

The fact that different vibrations in the air, different pitches, all placed together in different fashions can increase your brain's efficiency, can make you focus.
Isn't that just plain amazing????
I mean, there are few things I'm passionate and truly amazed by, and music is one of those things.
Geez! Seriously!!!!! Different tones can make you think faster and more efficiently.
This is madness.

I've realized over the past couple months that little things can cheer me up.
Or bring me down, but that's different.
I say that because today (about 5 minutes ago), I was feeling a little upset. But I remembered that I have a box of poptarts and a case of Jones soda waiting for me at home! It made me happy. It really did.
Isn't that silly? I think it is.

Know what grinds my gears? When people grind their gears in nice cars.
I'm bored!
I want to do something.
Something fun.
And just like that, I'm upset again. It's crazy how quickly a short phrase can change your entire mood.
I'm in my abnormal psychology class. A few different words were said that made me upset.
The good news is, I think that mood will go away soon. As long as I don't think about it, it'll go away.
Ugh. I'm frustrated. I'm going to stop blogging for now, because it's making things worse.
I shall.. Get back on later!
Bye bye!


I'm back!
In black!
No seriously. I'm back.
In black.
The best time to wear a black sweater, is all the tiiiiiiiiime!

Today was pretty boring. I got home and promptly fell asleep, so I missed the optimal time to go to hold my sign.
Oh well.

My sister came home! Last night.
And we all had dinner tonight, and it was awesome. We had fun. Lots of laughs.

And now, I'm... Sitting and being bored. Watching Dr. Who.
I love this show. Haha.
It's so awesome.
I feel better now that I understand all the Dr. Who jokes.
 So yeah!
I played some League of Legends.
I already have bunny Teemo.

Now I need bunny Riven.

Who says League of Legends isn't sexualized? 
Psh. No way.
But I really do need bunny Riven.
My tits shall distract them long enough to stab them in the face.

I'm pretty sure how it works.

But anyway.
Hmmm what else to say..
Not much!
In fact, I'm gonna be done.
Oh well!

So I will.. Talk to you all later!
Have a good evening ( :



Top Five Songs of the Day
  1. Two Step by Dave Matthews Band
  2. Anywhere But Here by Mayday Parade
  3. The Good Life by Three Days Grace
  4. Feel Like Home by Fort Minor
  5. If You Go by Cauterize
(I've started just putting my iPod on shuffle for the Top Five Songs of the Day).

Video Game of the Day

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

Youtube Video of the Day

Skip to about 4:30, when they drag race with the van and the truck.

Picture(s) of the Day

Monday, April 9, 2012

I didn't have a second test! Bam. Only one.

Today is off to a good start!
I thought I had a test today, and I didn't study nearly enough for it, so I was pretty scared and freaked out.
However, it's actually Wednesday! Which means I get 2 extra days to study! Yay!
Well I just got back from my test. It wasn't so bad.
I mean, I don't think I did phenomenally, but I don't think I failed.

See, the problem is, I often delude myself into thinking I did well.
I consider it good when I recognized every question! Which is good!
But more often than not, they're extremely specific questions that require the one answer I don't recognize.
Which is extremely frustrating. Seeing a question, and recognizing every possible answer, but not knowing which one it is.
It bugs me. It really does.
But that just means I need to study harder.
Which I can do. I just need to get motivated to.
Grumble grumble. School.
It'll all be worth it in the long run, but it definitely sucks right now.

I suppose that's what's up with me right now!
Not too exciting.
Life is pretty boring at the moment. It's not really good or bad.
I mean, it's normal. I'm upset sometimes, I have bad days, I have neutral days.
I think I've been living in the past for the last week or so. It's not a very good feeling.
To be honest, it upsets me. Remembering things I wish I didn't, thinking about things I know I'm better off avoiding.
The past couple days have been kind of... Lame. Not good. For a number of reasons.
I just.... I don't know. I'm having bad luck in every area of my life right now. It's been particularly bad for the past month or so. It's frustrating. Also depressing. It's starting to bother me.
But I'm gonna get myself out of it.
Oh well.
Enough about me.


It was kind of interesting. In my sociology class, we were talking about something called the "tough guise" phenomena. It was basically about how the media tells everyone to put up a front stage performance for everyone, while hiding your real emotions backstage. I already understood that, but apparently it's a real..Thing. I mean, it's something that's been studied, and it has a name. Which is Tough Guise.
It's interesting to me, but also depressing.


Well, my laptop is low on power, and I need it for one more class.
I've stopped taking my charger with me because I'm too lazy to set it back up in my room.
Pathetic, I know. BUT I'M LAZY AS HELL. So I refuse to exert more effort than is needed!
I'll go back to blogging later. I'm going to go get a shake or something. To celebrate my....
Yeah I'm not celebrating anything, I just want to make myself happy.


I was watching Top Gear, and something interesting happened.
They brought on a Ferrari 250 GTO. There are 36 of them in the world.
The guy who owns it bought it for 12 million pounds... That's a lot of money.
My parents could retire on that money. I would love to get that much money to them.
Jeremy was talking about the car, like he always does before he drives it. However, he didn't drive it.
BBC couldn't afford the insurance that was required to let him drive it.
That's.... Crazy. Very crazy.

This is madness. I'm blogging before midnight.
Crazy, right?
I suppose it's because I'm in a blogging mood right now, and I won't be later.

Nope. Actually, I'm not in a good mood at all. But I know that I have to write a short paper, and I intend to be lazy after I write it.
So I'm blogging very early! Let's see here.
What's been happening.... Not much whatsoever.
My life has been boring!
I need to start doing something with my life. I need to start finding more things to talk about.
I mean really.

I'm not in a good mood. I'm bored, angry, and a little unhappy.
I've been feeling this way all day. It's getting on my nerves.
However, I've done a few things to make myself feel better.
I bought a box of poptarts, and a box of Jones soda.
I've also figured out that when I'm upset, playing Test Drive Unlimited.. Genuinely helps.
I find that fascinating! I mean, I like cars, and I'm getting into them more and more.
And when I'm feeling unhappy or upset, it really helps me to just... Sit back and "drive" around.
It's kind of cool. I hope that works tonight. I really do.
So right now, I'm basically talking to friends, watching Top Gear, and working on my paper.
It's a super-short paper. It's barely even a paper!
But oh well. I'll get it done.
Sweet! It's only 8:30! And I've finished my blog, and I'm..... Getting started on that paper!
So good night everybody!

Have a good evening, sleep well, and I hope tomorrow is great for all of us : )



Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Home by Sherwood
  2. Everywhere I Go by Hollywood Undead
  3. Up & Go by The Starting Line
  4. Perfect Two by Auburn
  5. From Out of Nowhere by Five Finger Death Punch
Video Game of the Day

Test Drive Unlimited 2

Youtube Video of the Day

Watch both of his videos. They make me laugh so hard.

Picture(s) of the Day

Sunday, April 8, 2012

This blog is very rushed!

The title says it all...
I'm in a hurry to get this done.
It's not that I don't want to do it, it's that I'm busy, and I want to finish my work.
I'm writing an essay.
I studied a majority of today, listened to music, and talked with lots of friends.

Today wasn't really good, but it wasn't necessarily bad.


I don't want to go to class!
For some reason, I have a really bad feeling about this week.
I'm not sure why.
I just do.

Hopefully I can prove that feeling wrong!

So good night everyone, sleep well!
I suppose you're reading this in the morning, so have a good day!



Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Promise Me by Cauterize
  2. Young Blood Spills Tonight by Eyes Set To Kill
  3. Points of Authority by Linkin Park
  4. Champagne by Sugarcult
  5. The Remedy by There For Tomorrow
Video Game of the Day

Need For Speed: The Run

Youtube Video of the Day

Picture(s) of the Day

I laughed so hard.

This made me laugh so ha

Watched Top Gear! Slept! Listened to Music!

I basically summarized my entire post in my title haha.
That's literally all I want to talk about.
This might be my shortest post yet!

I was looking at my blog today.. Turns out, my views are steadily going down. Eh.
Oh well.
I'll hopefully find bigger and better things to talk about!
So right now, only my devoted few viewers are still reading these posts.
(I maintain that about 2 or 3 people check this blog daily, and according to my view counter, I might be right!)
But that really doesn't bother me right now.
In fact, nothing is really bothering me right now.
It's kind of weird.

Oh well!

Happy Easter everybody!
Eat chocolate and celebrate rabbits.
I'm pretty sure that's what Easter is about, right?


Friday, April 6, 2012

I'm bored! So..... Yeah. That's my blog for the day.

In child psychology, we're talking about different disciplines that parents used as punishment..
Some are pretty funny and creative!

If the kids were fighting, they were told to draw pictures of what they were arguing about.
Another parent gave the kids each a separate accent (british, indian, etc), and they had to use them while arguing. I think that's hilarious. I want to try that out some time.
There's always the dish soap in the mouth, which can work or backfire.. Badly.
If they misbehaved, mom would dump a bag of rice on the table and make them count the grains.

There are some awesome ideas. I will have to keep those in mind!
They sound effective.


Last night, I was falling asleep. Shocker, right?
You know how when you lay really still, you become aware of every inch of your body?
I was laying there, and I felt something on my arm. Sometimes I feel that randomly, so I wasn't sure if it was real. Until it moved up my arm. I flipped out, knocked the pillow away, smacked my arm and threw the spider across the room. It took me a while to calm down. It was exciting. Quite intense actually.
It was almost as scary as almost falling out of your chair. That's so crazy!
Almost falling out of your chair spikes your heartbeat. It's really really scary.

I think one of the things that pisses me off the most in life is hearing a girl get called a slut. I mean.. Really.
It's just so.. Brutal. There is no time when using it is okay. I think my friend Maddie said it pretty well.

"I'm kind of confused about this name calling thing... You know, girls calling other girls whores because they aren't virgins?
Let me start off with this.... GIRLS AREN'T WHORES UNLESS THEY SLEEP WITH SHIT TONS OF PEOPLE. So don't call a girl a whore unless you know the full story, because chances are they were probably raped, if not, them being sexually active is THEIR CHOICE, does them being sexual REALLY affect you that horribly? More than likely no.
I don't see how someone being sexually active has ANYTHING to do with you unless they give you an STD/HIV... So why hate the ones who do something different?
I know that some girls think it's "gross" or " not classy" but a girl as simple as ME could act classy and still not be a virgin, and I know it's their opinion but KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
What possible harm could someone LOSING THEIR VIRGINITY have on you? Exactly, so don't call a girl a whore unless you know they're actually what fits the politically correct definition of it."

I like her point.
Out of every word in the dictionary, 'slut' is probably one of  the few that really piss me off.


Today, I had an interesting time holding my sign.
A car full of guys drove up and all yelled "GAAAAAAY!" at me.
I took a flamboyant bow, smiled at one and said:

"Hey cutie! Remember me? Probably not.. You were drunk and all you really saw was the back of my head."

And then winked.

It was interesting watching 4 jaws drop and one guy try to explain himself.

I laughed.


That's really my blog for the day...
I'm booooooooored.
Tomorrow will be an amazing day : )
I'm sure of it.
I'll explain later.

I'm at Caleb's and I'm having a fantastic time!
I love these guys.

Good night! I will see you all tomorrow.


Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Way of the Fist Five Finger Death Punch
  2. Anarchy in Tokyo by 30 Seconds to Mars
  3. Passion by All That Remains
  4. Bend to Squares by Death Cab For Cutie
  5. The Bucket by Kings of Leon
Video Game of the Day

Resident Evil 4

Youtube Video of the Day

I'm such a hipster. I was watching his videos before he was sponsored, and still had his emo haircut.

Picture(s) of the Day

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I have a dream... Of very fast cars.

I spent a good 5 to 10 minutes trying to figure out a clever title for this blog.
I couldn't really think of anything.
Then, I spent another 10 minutes trying to find a way to open this blog that wasn't:

"Let's see."
"I don't know what to say."
"What have I done today."
"Today was boring."

I started my post a different way! Hooray!
That's exciting to me.

Today has been boring so far though. Seriously.
I woke up a little early today. Why? I thought I had class at 11:00 today.
Which isn't the case. I have class at 2:00.
But I woke up at 9, had a bowl of cereal (too much food for when I wake up), got ready, and drove to campus. Parked in the parking garage, walked to class, sat down in class. I was on time.
I sat down in a chair and looked at the board. Massive equations.
Stood up.

Walked out of the room and was quite confused, until I realized that it was a Thursday.
I facepalmed. A painful one.
So I went home. Then dropped off my laptop, and went to work!
I decided to get 1 hour of work in before class so I only had to do 1 hour after class.
I could do more than 2 hours per day, but this week... I don't know. It's not going well, and I'm having trouble getting motivation to even get out of bed in the morning. Being outside in the heat, being made fun of.. Doesn't sound like a good time right now.
I've been so bipolar all week. It's getting really exhausting.
I'm not exaggerating either! I legitimately am having different.. Emotional episodes.
Ups and downs. A couple manic episodes. You know.. Crazy energy and intense happiness.
And then really depressed episodes.
I'm upset most of the time. Good news is, I'm not extremely depressed most of the time.
Which is good. I think.
I'm upset almost all the time though. Really upset. Ugh. It's getting old. I'm just..
I'm tired of feeling emotions. It's so tiring, depressing, confusing... It's.. Not fun right now.
I'm hoping I'll feel a little better later. I just have to work on trying to smile.

It's exhausting. It's getting frustrating as well. Not knowing how I'll be feeling in the next 15 minutes.
I really, really, really don't like it. It makes me feel like... My medication has almost stopped working.
I definitely am going to bring that up with my psychiatrist. Something I need to look at.

There's the little journal part of my day. Let's find out if I can think of something interesting to talk about.


Hmph. I'm now officially jealous of a guy. Hasn't happened recently, but I am. That's a lie.
I'm jealous of lots of guys. For many many reasons.
But here's one I'm comfortable sharing!

Brandon Cyrus. This guy says the cutest things. Girls love him.
I'm exceptionally jealous that he's able to say those types of things! That girls love him. That they think he's sweet and cute.
I'm honestly jealous of him for that. I want to be that sweet guy that girls talk about.
I realize that sounds really really selfish and kind of stupid, but I really do! I want to be..
I want to be a cute guy that girls talk about. I really want to be looked at as a sweet guy.

Speaking of realistic wishes, I also want a Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster for Christmas. I'm assuming both will come true this year.

Or a Bugatti Veyron.

Yes. Those are definitely extremely logical and practical wishes. I expect them to come true.

Can you imagine having the money to buy cars like that?
Seriously. I would commit murder for that car. Look at it.
It's gorgeous. Add that to my bucket list. Drive a supercar. I'd shit my pants. But it'd be fun.

OH MAN. I remember my dream! I remember it!
Sort of! I was... I'm trying to remember. I was driving in a parking garage in the middle of nowhere.
Nowhere. Middle of the desert. I mean, there were long roads, but it was pretty empty.
Small towns dotting the landscape. Kinda looked like the Mojave desert.
But I was driving through the parking garage, and it was completely empty. But in a deserted corner, there was a diamond white Bugatti Veyron. Actually, it might have been a Lamborghini Reventon. Maybe a Pagani Zonda R. Or a Koenigsegg CCX. I don't remember. Simple explanation, it was a drop-dead gorgeous car.
And I got to drive it.
Oh man.
It was one of my happiest dreams. I mean that. I was so happy. I was able to drive it around for hours and hours. I remember the engine sounds perfectly. It was just...
It was amazing. It made me so happy.

I want a nice car. I really do. Standing on my corner, spinning my sign, I have plenty of time to daydream.
Most of that daydreaming is devoted to imagining going on a first date with a girl, borrowing my brother-in-law's supercharged mazda miata. Yes, it's not the most epic car in existence. But it's so much fun to be in.
I want to do something fun like that on a first date. Drive them in a cool car.
Sigh. I want to do that. I want to be an awesome first date! In a nice car. Even if it's not mine, I still want to drive them in it.

Not going to happen any time soon, but hey. I can dream, can't I?

I was playing Bad Company 2 today, and I got a +400 Marksman Headshot.
It means I got a 500 meter headshot.
With the default sniper rifle.
And a 6x scope.

I felt epic.


Well, it's 12 in the morning.
My day hasn't been very exciting since I was in class.
It actually got worse!

I was upset for most of the evening.
But I guess just sitting down and.. Watching Dr. Who, playing video games, talking with friends, Skyping friends, messing around... Etc.
It all helped.

So I have the game Test Drive Unlimited 2.
It doesn't have perfect reviews for different reasons.
The people who want an arcade style racing game hate it because it's not arcade-y enough.
People who want a free-roaming car rpg game don't like it because it's weird to drive around.
People who want a racing simulator don't like it because it's not realistic enough.

However, I love it.
I like a little bit of each. Honestly?
I'm content to race to earn money, then buy a really nice car and drive it around.
It's realistic enough that interiors, gauges, and meters are different in each car.
And each car has different engine sounds, handling, etc.
I personally love it.
However, I kind of... cheated.
I may or may not have given myself $999,999,999.
I was tired of trying to earn money for cars!
Literally all I do is buy nice cars, drive them around, then maybe do some races.
I love it.

I'll probably post pictures of random driving around.. Stuff.

It's fun.
I've decided I'm going to start watching Top Gear. The British version, which is clearly superior.
I'm watching the more recent seasons because it will have cars that I've seen before haha.

So yeah..
My day wasn't too bad overall. Still a little upset, but I think I'm feeling okay.
So I'm off to sleep. Because I don't want to stay awake!
Good night!
See you all tomorrow!



Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Warehouse by Dave Matthews Band
  2. American Eulogy by Green Day
  3. Slide by The Goo Goo Dolls
  4. Coney Island by Death Cab For Cutie
  5. Green Eyes by Coldplay
Video Game of the Day

Test Drive Unlimited 2

Youtube Video of the Day

Yes please.

Picture(s) of the Day