Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Behold! My blog! The second half is more interesting than the first.

You know what really pisses me off?
When someone jumps into someone else's life and starts to give them shit for their decisions.
I mean, really. If someone is happy with their decisions and where they are in life, why should you bring them down? What gives you the right to ruin things for them? Who are you to think that you can hurt them?

Seriously! It's always bothered me, but I suppose it's only recently that I've really been pissed off about it.
Two of my closest friends started dating. I think they are very good together! They're cute, and they fit well together. The problem is, they go to a school where... Things spread fast, and people often get involved with drama, even if they don't want to. That's why, personally, I'm glad to be out of that particular school.
It's nice.

But anyway.
People have started giving them various shit for dating. Which really, really bothers me.
Seriously. Two people are dating, whoop-de-doo. You don't have to jump in and get involved with their lives and start giving them shit. Just because you don't like something, it doesn't mean you have the right to start hurting them, it doesn't mean you should purposely jump in and try to.. I don't know, break them down?
It's interesting.. I've unfriended multiple people from that school. Not just because of this situation. Just...
I don't agree with the way some people there think. Some people there are too concerned with making themselves look good that they forget common courtesy. Keep in mind, I said "some", not all. Definitely not all.
I met some of my best friends there. But there are quite a few people there that I don't necessarily... Like the way they act. If that makes sense.

I don't like it when people give other people shit. That's really the... Synopsis of this blog. So far, at least.
I don't have much else to say.
I'm not really in a good mood.

I woke up feeling like shit, and the cold weather just... Added to it.
I love rain. I love the overcast skies. But today... I just.. I don't know.
Today, it just made things worse.
I'm not happy right now.
I'm upset.
So I'm going to stop writing.
I will get back on later tonight, hopefully to write something better.


Behold! My blog!
In all it's radiance!

Bask in the glow of my blog.


Also, I bet the basilisk in Harry Potter would have gotten more looks if it wore yoga pants.

I wish I could say I said that, but Cooper did.
It's funny. And I said it.

I've realized something. Strange.
And interesting.
And scary.
I'm turning into a teenage girl!

I'm taking webcam pictures for fun.
Oh well.
I think it's because I want to be cute. Haha.
That's so weird, but it's true. I want girls to look at me and think "Oh, he's kind of cute!"
So I guess I do that. But I don't spam it. I don't take tons and tons of pictures of the exact same pose, with different facial expressions. I take pictures of stupid little drawings instead!

Like this one.
I'm Alan Rickman. Suck it.

And this one.


I lost my mood ring. I don't know how I feel about that.
Get it? JOKE.

Hah. I'm so funny.
I'm in a much better mood than I was earlier, in case you haven't noticed.
But I think I'll go to bed now.
Well, not go to bed.
But hang out.
I'm watching The Master Of Disguise. It's a funny movie!
Hopefully it'll make me laugh until I go to sleep : )

Good night everybody!



Top Five Songs of the Day
  1. Grey by Yellowcard
  2. Firefly by Breaking Benjamin
  3. Boy Crazy by New Found Glory
  4. Worst December by Sugarcult
  5. Coming Undone by KoRn
Video Game of the Day

Fun game.

Youtube Video of the Day

Picture(s) of the Day


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