A Blog To Remind You How Beautiful You Are
Hey guess what I'm going to say??
I don't know where this blog is going.
Blah blah I like the idea blah blah I don't know what I'm going to write blah blah blah.
The same speech I give before every blog.
This one is going to pretty much explain that no matter what you think of yourself, someone thinks you're beautiful.
It's a topic that I, again, am passionate about.
I firmly believe that everyone is beautiful.
Some people I don't find attractive. I'm going to be honest.
In my opinion, there's different types of beautiful.
1. Beautiful (In regards to personality).
2. Beautiful, coming from a friend. (Visually).
3. The "Romantic" Beautiful.
I'll try and explain these a bit.
Beautiful (In regards to personality).
This one seems kind of self-explanatory.
You can call someone beautiful, even if you don't find them attractive.
There are some women that I would find not as attractive as others, but their personalities are perfect.
I'm not saying that I would call someone ugly.
I don't call people ugly.
I just say that they're not attractive to me.
Calling someone ugly puts a label on them that assumes no one would ever want them, or find them attractive. I hate the word "ugly".
It really really bothers me.
It kind of infuriates me, to be honest.
I'm hesitant to say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I don't want to say that because I can't back it up with good evidence.
But I really, really do believe that nobody is ugly.
It's just a matter of who finds them attractive.
For example, I've been told I have an ugly personality.
It hurts.
But I know that that's just one person's opinion.
There are others that I know don't feel that way.
Some people gain interest in another person from their visual appearance.
That's not bad.
Some people gain interest in another person from their personality.
That's not bad either.
Different aspects of a person attract different types of people.
Sometimes, an attractive personality is the strongest type of attraction.
That is, because in most cases, the personality is stable.
If you love someone for their personality, odds are, you will love them for a long time.
At least, that's how I look at it. A majority of people will have the same personality for their lives.
In my experience, a beautiful personality can be an extremely strong bond between two people.
A beautiful personality can be a complement to visually beautiful person, and vice-versa.
I'm kind of getting off-topic from personality.
But I feel that that needed to be said.
Beautiful, coming from a friend (Visually).
This is something I need to explain.
There's a difference between having a beautiful personality and being visually beautiful.
Some of you lucky people have both.
Some of us have neither.
But I think one of the most important things I want you to take away from this that there is a definite difference between calling someone beautiful in a complimenting way, and calling someone beautiful romantically.
To illustrate this, I'll talk about how I look at it.
I call women beautiful.
I really do.
I compliment girls on their looks because I know they work hard to look the way they do, and I want to acknowledge that.
However, I've only seen a few girl without makeup, when they just woke up. But even then, I say they're beautiful. Not because they want to hear it. Not because I want to get attention. I say it because I firmly believe they're beautiful.
I once asked Lizzi, "If a girl asks, 'Do I look more beautiful with or without makeup', how are you supposed to answer that? If you say 'with makeup', it sounds like they don't look beautiful normally. If you say 'without makeup', it sounds like all their work to 'clean up their appearance' was for nothing. Which way should I answer?"
To which Lizzi replied, "There's no right answer. Change the subject (: "
I say that to explain that girls can be beautiful either way. Each way is different.
If you call her beautiful when she's wearing makeup and is all dressed up, you're acknowledging that she works hard on her appearance. She works hard to look pretty, and it definitely shows.
If you call her beautiful when she just woke up, hasn't put on any makeup, hasn't done her hair, and is chilling out in sweats and a sports bra, it's different! You can see that she looks gorgeous by herself, with nothing added. She's beautiful by being herself, without effort.
Both of those are okay!
They're beautiful in their own way, be it with or without makeup.
With their hair in a pony tail, or curled and permed.
They're still gorgeous.
Even when they fish for compliments, they deserve it.
A simple comment on how good they look can go a long way.
It can make their day, even if you don't feel like it was that good of a compliment.
Words are powerful tools.
The "Romantic" Beautiful
This is a completely different matter than the rest of this blog.
The Romantic beautiful is much, much, much, much, much, muchmuchmuch, different.
Sometimes, it's hard to differentiate between complimenting someone that they look good, and pouring out your heart to them.
Again, I'll use myself as an example.
I call girls beautiful.
I have called many girls beautiful! Or gorgeous! Or pretty! Or cute!
I know that many people (girls) would find that kind of stupid.
I've heard that I should only call one person beautiful, because if I admitted another girl looked good, I was lying to both of them.
I really don't agree with that.
I can compliment people.
I compliment people and I mean it. Just because I call someone pretty, then call her friend pretty, I'm not lying.
I genuinely believe that they both are pretty.
That's not a bad thing.
I think, often, people confuse a compliment with a romantic meaning.
But the Romantic beautiful..
I reserve that.
I'm careful with how I use it.
You can always compliment other people on how they look. There's nothing wrong with that.
But calling someone beautiful in a romantic setting can say a lot.
I don't say someone is beautiful in a romantic way often at all
I think I've only really poured out my heart to one girl in that way.
It's not something you should tell everyone.
The way I see it is..
Calling someone romantically beautiful is confessing your love for them.
It should be reserved, and rarely used.
It's hard to say only use it on the one you love, because, odds are, you will love multiple people before you find 'that special someone'.
The thing is, it's often hard to tell the difference sometimes.
Like I said.. I don't use that often. At all.
I've poured out my heart to one girl in the past year.
Romantic beauty is not something you use every day.
But the Romantic use of the word beautiful is not all bad.
It can mean the world to someone.
It can reassure them of your feelings to them.
It can show how important they are to you.
It can show just how beautiful they are, and how amazing they are to you.
It's an extremely powerful tool that can make or break a relationship.
You don't want to instantly pour out your heart to them and scare them off.
But you don't want to wait too long, in case they don't realize how much they mean to you.
Weird quote here, but it applies.
"With great power comes great responsibility."
Your words are powerful. Use them wisely. Don't say something you don't believe.
Use them to build up, rather than tear down. The world tears us down enough.
People tear us down.
Friends are there to help build you back up.
I know I kind of got off track at the end of that last section.
There were just things I needed to say, and that seemed like an appropriate time to mention them.
So for those of you who read my Blog About Hanging In There, you'll know that the main message of that post was "You can do it."
I want the main message of this post to be "You are beautiful."
However, I'm not going to completely sugarcoat everything.
So if you're ready, continue reading!
I want to make it clear.
The world hates us.
Society hates us.
We're constantly bombarded by commercials, ads, tv shows, and movies that feed off of our insecurity.
Society tells us we're ugly.
They say we're not good enough.
They tell us we can't find that special someone unless you look like this!
Unless you buy this product, everyone will think you're ugly and disgusting!
Obviously, I don't really support that viewpoint.
We're all beautiful.
You are ALL beautiful.
All of you.
The kids who got picked last for dodgeball.
The kids who dressed with hand-me-downs.
The kids who got made fun of for their hair.
The kids who were constantly cheated on in their relationships.
The kids who's "special someone" left you for another "special someone".
All of you, every last one of you, are beautiful.
This is where I have to be honest.
Not everyone will find you beautiful.
Some people don't think you are.
Some people will call you ugly.
Some people will give you shit for the way you dress.
Your weight.
Your hair.
People will repeatedly put you down.
People will call you ugly.
I know just standing here and telling you you're beautiful won't do much.
Something that lots of guys don't get that, if a girl thinks she's ugly, it's really, really, really hard to change their mind.
Showering them in compliments won't be as effective as you think.
You need to acknowledge that they feel that way.
We need to explain that, even if they don't find themselves attractive, we do.
Just a side note.
But anyway, people are here to take you down.
People will constantly hurt you.
The trick is, standing up and holding your head up high, and reminding yourself how beautiful you are.
That's something that's extremely difficult to do.
I realize that this blog probably won't be as effective as I wish it would be.
But I feel like someone needs to say it.
I don't care if you just got called ugly, you're beautiful.
I don't care if your hair that you straightened today just got messed up because of the wind. You're beautiful.
I don't care if someone just called you a slut. You're beautiful.
If someone just said you weren't worth anything, don't listen to them. You're beautiful.
If someone broke up with you because they didn't like you, they didn't deserve you anyway. You're beautiful.
You are all beautiful.
Yes, even you.
You, who can go without eating for days, just to feel pretty.
You, who throws up after every meal, just so he will notice you.
You, who works out constantly to avoid gaining any fat.
You, who cries yourself to sleep every night because of the shit people say behind your back.
I don't care what they say to you, you're still beautiful to me.
For those of you who don't even know me.. For those of you who are reading this because your friend told you to.
I've never seen you.
I don't know you.
But I still think you're beautiful.No matter what people say to you.
You're beautiful.
Every single person on this earth is beautiful.
Every single person is attractive to someone.
The trick is finding that someone.
There are some people on this earth that I don't find attractive.
But they are still beautiful.
No matter what your body type is, you're beautiful.
If you feel like you're ugly, you're still beautiful.
People can tell you whatever they want.
They can call you names.
They can put you down as much as they want.
They can make you feel like shit.
But no matter what they say, you're still beautiful.
You are a gorgeous human being.
You deserve life as much as anyone else on this earth.
You deserve happiness.
You deserve the love that other people seem to find first.
You deserve compliments.
You deserve to know how beautiful you are.
I realize that this might not have helped.
But I also realize that sometimes, you need someone to compliment you.
Little things like this can sometimes make your day better.
I say it again.
This blog was written with girls as the main audience.
I know it sounds weird, but it also can apply to guys.
We're constantly told what is 'hot' or 'sexy' by society.
We're told that unless we have muscles, no girl will ever love us.
That kind of thing hurts.
A lot.
But guys can be beautiful.
We can have beautiful personalities too.
So, if you're a guy, and you're feeling down..
Well hey..
You're a beautiful human being too (:
So I realize that this blog kind of ends up with me just repeatedly rambling, then throwing in "you're beautiful".
There's not many different things I can do from just a blog.
I realize that lots of people will read this then just forget about it.
But I really do believe everything I've written here.
I honestly do.
I wrote this post the way I did because sometimes, people need to hear stuff like that, after a particularly bad day.
I hope this helped someone (:
Don't forget to hit the little share button!
I would love more people to start reading these.
So I can get a bigger audience.
Top Five Songs of the Day
- Courage by Superchick
- Psychosocial by Slipknot
- Haydn Symphony No. 94 in G Major
- Fat Lip by Sum 41
- Hold On by Good Charlotte
Song Lyric of the Day
*Long selection, but very touching and emotional*
~I need you to know
I'm up through the night
Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light
I need you to know
That we'll be okay
Together we can make it through another day
I don't know the first time I felt unbeautiful
The day I chose not to eat
What I do know is how I changed my life forever
I know I should know better
There are days when I'm okay
And for a moment
[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/courage-lyrics-superchick.html ]
For a moment I find hope
But there are days when I'm not okay
And I need your help
So I'm letting go
I need you to know
I'm not through the night
Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light
I need you to know
That we'll be okay
Together we can make it through another day
You should know you're not on your own
These secrets are walls that keep us alone
I don't know when but I know now
Together we'll make it through somehow
Together we'll make it through somehow~
-Courage by Superchick
Video Game of the Day
Asura's Wrath (demo)
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