I woke up, ate breakfast, and left early.
Leaving early was nice because I was able to park one whole parking lot closer to campus than before.
Cuts off maybe 2 or 3 minutes.
Kind of nice.
Just a shorter walk is nice.
I slept through the end of my SOC100 class.
And half of my PSY260 class.
Then I slept for my entire off-hour.
I don't know why I'm so tired.
Okay, I do.
I'm so tired just because I've been so upset.
I don't know... It just really seems to be hitting me for the past couple days.
It just feels like everything is out to get me.
Like everyone wants to hurt me.
You know?
It's just not a good feeling.
Last night I didn't have the motivation to even play a video game.
You know how weird that is?
I haven't played a video game for more than 10 minutes for 4 days.
That's insane.
I usually can constantly game.
But I have no motivation.
All I've done is listen to music, watch Netflix, and eat.
That's it.
I can't even make myself work out.
It's crazy!
I just.. Empty feeling I guess.
Oh well.
The weekend will fix that.
Maybe I can hang out with some friends.
That would be nice (:
Ah let's see..
Oh! My PHIL110 (Logic and Critical Thinking) professor is awesome.
He looks like a stoner.
He even sounds like one.
He's always so mellow and chill about everything.
I love his class.
He's also crazy smart!
Really smart.
He's awesome.
People in my class constantly make fun of him just because he's.. Who he is.
It kind of pisses me off!
He's a different kind of guy. That's okay!
I mean... He's funny.
But they make fun of him in a really mean way..
But I don't think he notices.
It's bothering me.
They're just.. Stupid.
Oh well.
Hopefully they'll grow up soon.
Not much has really happened that's a funny story or even worth talking about.
I'm scared of my LIFE102 class.
It's biology, mixed with chemistry, mixed with more science.
I hate science. With a passion.
It just goes over my head.
I need to check out the free tutor soon.
Icky. Science.
I need to start doing something with my life.
I'm so boring!
It's crazy!
I need to find funny topics or something.
But until I think of something good, I'll just talk about random stuff.
Know what I'm afraid of?
1. Deep open water
2. Swallowing a sewing needle
3. Ventriloquist dummies
4. Drowning
5. Being left alone
Those are things I'm scared of.
It's weird.
Swallowing a sewing needle.... Ugh.
It makes me shiver just thinking about it.

I think the zombie apocalypse would be one of the biggest psychosocial evaluations ever.
I mean, if it's the type of apocalypse that a majority of the populace became zombies, causing utilities to fall apart, then the world would quickly become run by small groups of people.
I would love to see how humanity organized themselves.
The same thing could be said about a nuclear apocalypse as well.
Would we favor monarchy?
I mean really!
It'd be so interesting to see how humanity would attempt to rebuild society.
I kind of want to know how currency would work.
Assuming that there is no shortage of ammunition, I have a feeling that ammunition would become currency.
Like Metro 2033.
Higher caliber = higher worth
Cleaner and well-polished ammunition would probably be worth more, as well.
However, effective currency needs to be an object that has no economic use in a society.
Ammunition would work, but currency might end up being something different.
Fallout 3 suggests bottle caps.
Maybe something like that would become currency. Something that's fairly easy to find.
Then you have to wonder what you would be buying, and what sort of businesses would spring up.
Would there be people to repair weapons or vehicles?
Would there be "exterminators"?
You could hire bodyguards for sure.
Would people try to clean and sell houses? Or would everyone live in tents or under bridges?
If little towns were just sort of spread out along the landscape, you would have to organize a single currency to use at each town. Or it could just end up to be a bartering system.
In a zombie apocalypse, I'd love to see how people change.
Honestly, if it was one of those giant apocalypses where a majority of the humans on earth were zombies, I'd kill myself in a heartbeat.
But that's only if I was alone.
If I had a small group of friends, I'd definitely have a will to live.
But if I woke up in a city by myself, surrounded by zombies and a gun, I'd shoot myself.
If I had friends.....
I'd definitely live.
Like a boss.
I think it would be kind of awesome to form a ragtag team of zombie slayers.
I've always wanted to know if I had the guts to kill a zombie.
Something that looks humanoid.
It'd, again, be fascinating to me.
Also, what the hell does the military do about all this?
Did they cause it?
Do they want to help?
Would they wipe out everybody?
Nuke ALL the things?
Are the zombies fast and agile like Left For Dead?
Are they slow and shambling like Resident Evil?
Are there unique types like Killing Floor?
Do you need to dismember them like Dead Space?
Are they killable just by a headshot?
You'd need to answer all of those questions in order to debate how to fight them..
I would think slow and shambling.
But that's assuming that it is a viral outbreak that spreads among the dead through bites of the infected.
If they were just dead corpses reanimated by a viral agent, they wouldn't be crazy sprinting people.
Then you have to wonder what exactly the agent is adjusting in order to reanimate a body.
If it's taking the brain and bringing up natural impulses and instincts to feed, then severing the brain stem would be best.
But if it's simply restarting the heart, which would pump blood to the brain, causing it to "live", then you'd need to sever the arteries connected to the heart.
Could they see or hear? I think I would agree with High School of the Dead. An anime I just finished yesterday. I suppose that's why I have zombies on the brain.
I think they could hear, but not visually distinguish between things.
Would they be intelligent? That is, would it re-enable them to think? Would the reanimation restore memories and thought patterns?
Would they truly be "mindless" zombies?
Could they think, but because of the decaying body, they couldn't speak or communicate, just shamble around, desperately trying to feed the insatiable hunger inside them?
Would they be able to open doors and wield weapons?
Would they kill other zombies? Would they eat other zombies?
I think the only way that there could be multiple "types" of zombies would be if the cause of the infection was radioactive and nuclear.
I don't think that it would really "create" a new type of zombie or organism. I think it would just mean that each zombie is disfigured and moves or attacks in a unique way.
I'm pretty sure the only way to get crazy unique zombie types would be years and years of "survival of the fittest."
However, that begs the question.. Can they reproduce?
Could special traits be passed along?
I don't think they could reproduce.
I would say they just would infect dead bodies and create more zombies that way.
No real reproduction.
Just years and years of killing zombies.
So maybe there wouldn't be the "survival of the fittest".
Could a zombie age?
I'm thinking about that.
I mean, if a zombies are created by spreading the infection, through bites, to a dead body, then a "young" zombie would be a former dead body that had been bitten in say, the last 24 hours.
If it was left alone, could it age?
Would it eventually die of starvation?
I mean, would a zombie require sustenance? We all know that they feed on the FLESH OF THE LIVING!
But why? Maybe they're bored.
Maybe they believe it's the body of their savior. Zombie Jesus.
He is risen..
(I sense a zombie movie).
If the zombie bit a dead body that had.. Schizophrenia, would it be a schizophrenic zombie?
If it heard voices, would it be able to distinguish between reality and not?
Or could it inherit arthritis from the body?
Would the joins be more fragile?
I want to know these things!
These are the things I think about on a daily basis.
If I had to guess, I would say that it would be a viral infection that would affect the brain in a way that could bring up natural impulses to feed, to attack.
Slow and shambling.
No unique types of zombies.
They wouldn't be able to open doors, but in groups, they would end up breaking through a door just by sheer numbers.
They could hear and see things, but wouldn't visually distinguish between organisms.If they heard something, they'd walk towards it until they could eat it.
I don't think they'd eat other zombies. If they could, it'd kind of mess up the whole apocalypse.
The zombie wouldn't inherit any preexisting mental conditions because the only active area of the brain would basically be movement and impulses.
I'm not sure about the aging process though.
Perhaps they'd just live by feeding off of pretty much anything.
That's how I imagine it, at least.
At that point, I would say a well-aimed headshot would kill a zombie, assuming it does enough damage to the brain in order to destroy the sections of the brain that influence movement and impulse control.
Inexperienced fighters would most likely use shotguns at every turn.
In reality, shotguns would be best used when you need to clear an entire pathway.
Those experienced in firearms would probably end up using other weapons.
For example, if you need to run through an area that has a decent amount of zombies, you could most likely use a .22 just to shoot their legs, perhaps making them stumble, or at least stun them so you could ram into them.
There's no rule that says you have to kill every single zombie.
Survival is more important.
I would carry a .22, 9mm, .44 mag, a .308, and a shotgun for emergencies. Also, some sort of melee weapon.
A .22 handgun with a decently large clip, as .22 ammunition is insanely common. That would be used for crippling or making zombies stumble so you can run by them.
A 9mm handgun would be good as a backup in case you need a little more power, and has common ammo.
A .44 mag revolver would definitely be a necessity in case you have to drop single zombies extremely fast, or if the .22 just isn't cutting it.
The .308 rifle would be good for longer range, perhaps clearing out an area before you walk in.
And the shotgun would be an excellent crowd clearer, perhaps in a hallway that you need to get through.
Let's check these out individually!
*`I'm going to pick the Walther P22 handgun as my .22 handgun. Nice and easy to use.
*For the 9mm, I have to choose the Beretta 92fs. We have one, and I love it. Crazy accurate.
*The .44 mag is one of those things that, if you were in a game, you'd unlock it later. It's something that's extremely rare, so you'd barely have ammunition for it. But it's still badass. I would pick the Smith and Wesson M29 revolver.
*For the .308 rifle, we choose the Springfield M1A Socom.
*For shotgun, we bring the Remington 870. Fairly common.
*As for melee weapon, there's a few different options.
The Walther P22 holds about 10 rounds stock. If you have good aim, you could use 2 shots per zombie, in order to stumble or trip them. that's only 5 zombies, but the .22 would only be for short runs, to get from one area to another.
So five P22 clips is a good 50 rounds, if the clips are loaded beforehand.
So, since .22 is the most common, carry maybe 2 pounds of .22 ammo.
If each .22 round is 1.9 grams, that's around 476 rounds..
For 2 pounds, I would say that's a great amount of ammunition.
So the .22 handgun stays, along with 5 clips, and 476 rounds, for around 4 pounds of weight.
With good accuracy, that's around 250 zombies that you've stumbled or killed, if you miss some of the time.
Beretta 92FS is our 9mm handgun. This one would be for more than just stumbling zombies. This one is for killing, or if you desperately need to switch pistols in case you can't reload. You'd most likely find a Glock if you were to loot a police station or gun store. The Glock is great, but a 92FS would most likely be a better choice.
More accurate.
Again, I'm going to assume you'd need two shots per zombie. If you were good, you could land a headshot on your first try.
However, you might need to shoot them in the chest to make them stand up or stumble in order to line up a better shot.
We're going to use the 15 round magazine.
Just to be safe, we'll just say that it takes 3 shots per zombie, in order to round off the kills per magazine to 5. Same as the P22. But, preferably, you'd be getting maybe up to 10 or more kills per mag if you have good accuracy.
Bringing 5 preloaded clips would be 75 rounds.
And we'll bring 3 pounds of ammo, instead of 2.
If each 9mm round is 7.45 grams, 3 pounds of ammunition would be around 182 bullets.
One 92FS, 5 full clips, 182 extra rounds, for around 6 pounds of weight.
If it takes 1 bullet to kill a zombie 50% of the time, and 2-3 per zombie for the other 50%, it rounds out to about 210 zombies.
Ah yes. The .44 mag. Go all Dirty Harry on these zombie bitches.
Smith and Wesson M29. Awwww yyyyeahhh.
So this is obviously one of those guns that isn't very common.
Or you'd run out of ammo very quickly.
So it's not the priority.
But hey.. You get to carry around a .44 mag and say one liners.
This is definitely a 1 kill per shot. Unless you really, really, really suck.
6 rounds per cylinder, with 5 preloaded speedloaders that you'd keep in a pocket or something.
Since it's so rare, we're going to say you can find 1.5 pounds of ammunition for it.
Each round weighing 13 grams, that's about 52 rounds. Not many, but remember this is an "in case of emergency" gun.
One .44 mag revolver, 5 preloaded speedloaders, 52 extra rounds, all for maybe 4 pounds.
So maybe 82 zombie kills.
Springfield M1A Socom. .308, semi-automatic rifle, 20 round magazine.
Not necessarily a super-rare rifle, but one that might be hard to get your hands on.
This is for if you're at a medium to long range, trying to pick off individual zombies, either covering your allies, or trying to clear out a small area say, in front of a door.
Preferably, you'd find maybe 2 pounds of .308 ammunition. Quite a bit, but you never know.
It's fairly common in gun stores, so hopefully you could stock up. Also, you wouldn't need to be using it constantly like a handgun.
Since magazines for this would be pretty hard to find, we'll say you have 2 magazines, preloaded.
2 pounds of .308 ammunition is around 93 bullets. Pretty good.
However, as our first rifle, it's kind of heavy. 9 pound rifle.
One rifle, 2 preloaded magazines, 93 extra rounds, all for around 11 or 12 pounds.
If 75% of the time you get a 1 shot, one kill, and the other 25% it takes 2 shots, that rounds out to around 117 kills.
Some of my favorite guns. I would love to say that I would carry an AA-12 with me, but I kind of doubt you'd be able to find one easily.
So we pick the Remington 870. Common shotgun.
So since, again, we wouldn't use this much, we're just going with 1 pound of ammunition.
Shotgun shells are easy to find, and are pretty much sold in any outdoor shop.
The gun itself seems to be around 7 and a half pounds. Pretty light, actually.
So about 1 pound of 12 gauge shells is around 21 shells.
Doesn't seem like a lot, but you can find 12 gauge everywhere.
And plus, with a shotgun, you'd only use it in close quarters, so maybe you could get 2 - 3 zombies with each shot.
So a 7 and a half pound shotgun along with 21 shells would be around 9 pounds.
If you get 2 zombies 80% of the time and 3 zombies 20% of the time, that will net you around 45 kills. That's obviously very lucky if you can consistently get more than one zombie in a spread.
Everyone always thinks "KATANA!" when you say zombie killing melee weapon, but in reality, they would start to be damaged after cutting through maybe 3 spines. I mean really. They look badass, but weren't really designed to constantly be cutting through bone. Maybe it'd be good to cut hamstrings or major tendons to inhibit the zombie, but as a killing weapon.. Not a good choice.
Same with the chainsaw.
Yes, you can cut through bone with it.
But do you really want to run around with a chainsaw, spraying blood so you can't see, trying to cut through multiple zombies?
Yes. I want to as well. But it just wouldn't work.
So as far as melee weapons go, I would have to pick combat knife for stabbing, then some sort of larger weapon. I would say fireaxe. Perfect for hacking at limbs, or even breaking down a door if you need to.
We'll pick a KA-BAR knife as our stabby-stabby toy.
As for a fire axe, we'll just say we're carrying a 6 lb fire axe.
So! Let's add all this stuff up.
Around 32 pounds of weaponry, including the knife and fire axe.
Around 9.5 pounds of ammunition.
If you're fairly accurate, and you used every single bullet, you'd net maybe around 704 zombie kills!
That's all pretty good.
32 pounds of weaponry is quite a bit. But the thing is, it wouldn't be as much backpacking as it would be trudging to one building to another.
If you had to go down a long road through the middle of nowhere, odds are, you'd have a group of people that could always split up the weight, especially since you'd be bringing cooking stuff, water, and some kind of shelter.
If you were lucky enough, you'd probably find some sort of vehicle. Which would make all this easier.
Wow. I really got into that subject.
But that's fine. I love zombies. They're kind of awesome.
That was a long blog.
I had fun writing it.
It gave me something to focus on, and it made me very happy.
I'm now in a great mood (:
Don't forget to hit the little share button down there. If you like it, tell some friends about it!
Have a good evening everybody!
Top Five Songs of the Day
- Something Beautiful by Cauterize
- Monsters by Matchbook Romance
- Last Beautiful Girl by Matchbox Twenty
- Bulletproof Heart by My Chemical Romance
- Down With The Sickness by Disturbed
Song Lyric of the Day
~It came as no surprise
You bring me back to life
Believe me
You bleed for me
I'll bleed for you
I caught you walking through walls
Drowned with applause
From a world that makes me crazy
We are
We are the shaken
We are the monsters
Underneath your bed
Believe what you read
We are
We are mistaken
We are the voices
Inside your head
Believe what you see~
-Monsters by Matchbook Romance
Video Game of the Day
Killing Floor
Youtube Video of the Day
I'm on his side.
Picture(s) of the Day
1 comment:
I have heard that zombies would only be able to do what they were able to do before they became a zombie, so I dont believe that there would be any "special zombies."
I personally wouldn't go with a .22 hangun. .22 longrifle rounds have a maximum effective range of 1000m. If you are a fairly good shot with a scoped longrifle .22, you can actually make some kills with it and .22s are light weight. As far as the 9mm, I agree. If I have a good 9mm handgun, I can make a 110yd headshot with it. So I would carry one, too. Id also have to go with a Colt 1911. One of the best weapons ever made. Extremely accurate and reliable with a knockout punch behind it. Instead of the .44mag, however, I would carry a .357mag. Reliable and accurate to medium ranges. As far as rifles go, Id have to go with an AR of some sort, preferably the one that is modeled after the M4. Not only is 2.23/5.56 ammo easy to find, but if you have a MOLLE vest, you can carry a lot of ammo for it. Plus, it is extremely accurate out to 500m and it is relatively light weight. I honestly dont think I would carry a shotgun, however. Too bulky and cumbersome and the ammunition takes up a lot of space. My melee weapons, like yours, would also be several combat knives (as I already own several) and a fire ax. I would also carry a machete and a hatchet, though.
I know this sounds like a lot of weight in and of itself, but Im experienced at large weights for long periods of time. On top of all that, I would also carry 100+ yards of 550 cord, 100mph tape, food, pen and paper, water, and fire source. haha!
Ill be known as "heavy weapons guy."
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