To be honest, I don't know exactly what people liked about my other posts.
I sat down and just wrote them out, edited a little, then published it.
All in one sitting.
I don't put that much effort into them..
I don't know what makes people want to read anything I write, so I don't know what other topics I should do.
I know I had a ton of random blog ideas, but they always come to me about 5 seconds before I fall asleep.
So I'm not quite sure what I should talk about.
I think that I came up with this post last night.
It was not a good night, but I ended up thinking about this.
(I just went back and checked the whole thing.. 4,613 words! New record!)
I'm going to try and kind of talk about why I don't like today's media, and why you shouldn't listen to them or let them define who you are.
So yeah.
Here goes!
Today's media really frustrates me.
They paint an unrealistic yet attractive picture of how your life will be, especially if you use what they sell.
They try and define who we are, who we should be, shouldn't be, what we need to do to be attractive, and what others think of us.
I find it really really.. Stupid to be honest.
Media and business feed off of our insecurities and pain.
That sounds mean, but they really do.
So many companies use extremely attractive people to advertise their product.
It's like they're trying to convey the point that "If you use our product, sexy people will flock to you!"
Obviously, that's not really the case.
For example, Axe commercials.
It's a cute-looking guy that uses Axe, and then BAM. If you use Axe, you get the bitches.
If you use cologne, the world will turn black and white, everything will go in slow motion, and sexy women will draw close to you and act extremely sensual while gentle music plays in the background.
I have cologne, but it doesn't do that. Sadly.
If you drink this beer, women will CHASE you in packs.
Buy this car. Girls dig guys with fast cars.
Buy this truck. It makes you SEXY and MANLY (and helps you compensate).
Women also get those types of commercials.
Like lingerie for example.
It's not something everyone sees.
But if you have it, everybody will think you're hot. Even if they can't see it, you'll still be sexy.
If you use this certain shampoo, this particular conditioner, your hair will be absolutely GORGEOUS and gain tons of volume and bounce, which, in turn, will attract EVERY GUY EVER.
Buy this jewelry, you will look FAAAAABULOUSSS (you just said that in your head).
Take this when you're on your period! You'll be SUPER HAPPY ALL THE TIME (pretty sure that doesn't work).
Check out these shoes! If you wear them, your ass will look GREAT just by WALKING.
Take these diet pills! Oh look at that, you lost 39 pounds in about a week!
I kind of find mass media to be ridiculous, in case you couldn't tell.
I just realized that I kind of outlined points I want to cover up there, so I'll try to take each point and look at them in respect to men and women.
Obviously, I'm not a woman, so that section might be a little off, but don't judge me.
I'm trying my best.
(a). The media tries to define who we are
Social media likes bossing us around.
It tends to generalize everyone, and pretty much conclude that every guy is the same.
For example, most commercials selling a product to guys feature scantily-clad women.
It tries to sell us sex, because every single guy wants sex 24/7, right?
Even if it's not trying to sell us sex, it's trying to show us that every girl in the world absolutely loves men who buy this product, or looks like this.
We all want to be attractive.
It's human nature to want to be attractive to someone else.
According to the media, every guy is a being that desires muscles, and chases after sex all the time, because that's all that men want.
This is definitely not the case.
Why I don't agree with this
Not every guy is like that at all.
A large portion of men actually think that way, and frankly, a lot of men chase after sex because that's all they want. It makes me sad, but it's the truth.
However, I know quite a few guys who simply want friendship!
To me, friendship is more important. Having someone loving and caring is better than having someone to have sex with. In my opinion, sex is an added bonus. It's not necessary, but it's still nice.
I would rather have a great girl friend. To be honest.
Not every guy wants sex constantly.
Lots of us just want friends.
(b). The media says who we should be
Ah yes, who we should be.
We're constantly told that guys need to be muscular, sexy, manly, ripped, and sexually attractive.
We get bombarded with ads trying to sell us muscles.
Trying to sell us huge-ass trucks.
Super fast sports cars.
Cologne that turns girls on.
Guys constantly have to be attractive, but we aren't allowed to show emotion.
Why I don't agree with this
We don't need muscles to be attractive.
Honestly, I'd rather have a male ballet dancer's body.
That sounds so weird, but if you think about it, they're slender and flexible, but they can lift women one-handed over their head.
I'd take that over bulging muscles any day.
Not every guy wants to be manly either.
Giant trucks, muscles, or sexual activity do NOT make a man. His values and the way he treats others determines his masculinity.
Not every guy is sexually attractive.
Take me for example. I'm just not.
Some of us aren't the lucky ones who have super-hot bodies that girls fawn over.
However, I have many more girls that are friends than some guys.
I honestly think that's the only thing about myself that I even like.
I make friends faster than I get girlfriends.
I'm not what the media wants me to be.
I'm kind of the opposite.
(c). The media says who we shouldn't be
Men should not, under any circumstances, show emotions or display any sign of femininity.
We're not allowed to talk about our lives when we hang out with "the guys".
We not only are not allowed to show emotions, we're not allowed to even have emotions.
We should not be concerned about our figure because we're already in shape, right?
If you're not in shape, something is desperately wrong with you.
Most importantly, you can't have female friends. You have girlfriends, sexual partners, or you're unhappily married.
Why I don't agree with this
I have lots of emotions.
Way too many emotions, to be honest.
Lots of them, and they all hit me at once, and I often can't decide which one to address first. My emotions are very strong, and they affect me in a massive way.
I'm also pretty open about some of my emotions. I talk about them quite a bit.
All of my closest friends know just how emotional I can get.
I know for a fact that for a good portion of them, they feel uncomfortable when I get emotional.
Simply because, it's sometimes unexpected.
But I have emotions, and I'm not afraid to say that.
I get emotional over silly things.
I cry over romance movies.
I cry while watching cute wedding videos.
I like (some) chick flicks. That's a big thing that I don't usually admit..
But hey, now it's on a blog on the internet. Forever.
Oh well.
It illustrates my point!
There's nothing wrong with guys having emotions.
I also have a feminine side. I will freely admit that.
Now, just how feminine my feminine side is, only... 2 people really know just how feminine I can be. Both of them are girls.
I just don't feel comfortable talking about that with my guy friends.
I know they won't judge me, I just... Don't like explaining it to "the guys".
I feel extremely uncomfortable talking about my feelings around guys, except for..
3 guys I know.
A feminine side isn't a bad thing.
In fact, it's a very good thing.
Being a sensitive guy has it's drawbacks, but it has more benefits.
Yes, you might scare off some girls because they want a MAN in their life.
But you can gain more insight on how girls want to be treated, and what you need to be like when you're around them.
There's nothing wrong with being a sensitive guy, and having a bit of a feminine side.
But it's also nice to have a manly side too. It's a matter of when you show either of those sides.
We're supposed to never worry about our body or our figure..
Haha. Yeah right.
Lots of guys are uncomfortable with their bodies.
I'm one of them. I keep saying that, but it's because it's true.
Not every guy handles themselves with the confidence and poise of a male model.
I saw something on Facebook that went something like "Boys, if you don't look like a Calvin Klein model, don't expect us to look like a Victoria's Secret model."
It's very true.
I don't expect every woman to look like a photo-shopped, covered in makeup, hair-tastic model.
It's just unrealistic.
But it's also extremely unrealistic for every guy to look like an underwear model.
Lots of us don't like our bodies!
We just don't show it for the most part.
Sometimes, guys claim that they want to work out to "build more muscle".
That's definitely true! There's nothing wrong with that!
I encourage it.
But some of us also choose to work out so we can lose our fat, and lose weight.
Some people would rather not acknowledge that, but we aren't all content with the way we look.
Finally, we're not supposed to have female friends.
The world tells us to have sex, because sex is the best thing that even exists in the world.
We're not supposed to be tied down to a single woman because, that means you only get to have sex with one girl. Which is a tragedy, right?
I call shenanigans on that.
Sex is a special connection, both emotional and physical.
It's hard to say that everyone should have only one partner, because it's human nature to play around a bit.
I just think it's not something to share between random people that you just met, just for the hell of it.
There should at least be some thought put into it before.
But this is just my opinion.
(d). The media decides what we need to do to be attractive
According to the world, we're not supposed to be thin. Men are supposed to have bulging, ripply muscles.
So to get those muscles, we have to work out 24/7, buy super crazy workout machines, lift weights constantly, and basically work our bodies to hell, but it'll be worth it so we can be buff.
Why I don't agree with this
Some of us just don't have the body type to do that.
Sure, some guys want that body. I'm fine with that!
But I think it's only worth pursuing if it's actually what you want for yourself.
Just working towards something because the society says you should isn't a good enough reason to work yourself to death.
Part of me is bitter because at one point, I wanted to have big muscles.
Until I realized that my body just doesn't work that way.
I don't build muscle mass at all.
I just get muscle toned. I'm fine with that now! I just think I wanted big muscles at one point.
(e). The media tells us what others think of us
This one is kind of hard to explain, but I'll do my best.
Society wants us to think that someone else doesn't like you before you even meet them.
Like I said in one of my previous blogs, first impressions are important.
And the media wants us to assume that everybody thinks you're unattractive when you first meet them.
Media tells us that people won't even talk to you unless you're hot.
Why I don't agree with this
The sad truth is, oftentimes, the reason you'll approach someone is because they're attractive.
Actually, that's not the sad truth. It's just the truth.
It's not necessarily a bad thing.
It's just the way it is.
But it is sad that society brings everyone's self-confidence down a few notches.
I think that's pretty much all I wanted to get out there for the guy section.
Now onto the girl section.
Take care to read the note that I'm putting before it.
I'm not a girl.
I don't claim to be.
I don't claim to understand everything about girls.
I don't claim to have issues like girls do.
I don't claim that I can accurately predict everything a girl thinks about.
However, I do think that I have some insight into their lives.
So this is not being written to make me sound like I know everything.
It's being written from a viewpoint of an outsider.
So keep that mind and don't get mad at me for putting out my opinion.
Feel free to skip it if you don't want to read it.
(a). The media tries to define who girls are
The media really doesn't like girls.
Lets be honest.
99% of the ads targeted at women are set up to make them feel bad about themselves.
It kind of pisses me off.
I'm not exactly sure what the media wants girls to be.
Honestly, it seems like society wants girls to be everything.
Sex partner,
Work out partner,
I can definitely see how that would be rough on someone!
It's hard to figure out who you want to be when you have so many different inputs trying to tell you what you should be.
Society defines girls as extremely emotional people that need a man in their lives to make them happy.
It tells them that if you're not an attractive person, you have no hope of meeting anyone ever.
(This part is hard for me to write simply because I think media wants girls to be everything. It's hard to pick a single topic. But I'm trying my best).
Why I don't agree with this
Not all women are the same.
I can't say that enough.
There is truth in saying that some women are extremely emotional and they need a man to be happy!
There are those type of females out there.
But it's ignorant to think that every girl needs a man.
Like I said in this blog, I know tons of independent girls / women that are TERRIFYING.
I also said, don't fight with a mother. You will lose.
But I mean...
Women don't need men.
That's extremely obvious to me.
We guys don't really deserve them, and we shouldn't be so blind as to think that having a man will solve all their problems. That's just plain stupid.
It's kind of like I had said before, showering a girl in compliments won't really help as much as you think.
So why would they need a man to make them happy?
It doesn't make sense to me.
But society likes to confuse everyone by sending mixed signals.
So society tries to convince women that they need men, and convince men that we're necessary for a woman to survive.
(I call bullshit on that).
(b). The media says who girls should be
According to society, girls need to be perfect wives and girlfriends.
They need to be sexually attractive all the time.
They need to be self-confident.
There's probably many more things that society tries to define a woman as, but I feel like those might be the biggest ones.
Why I don't agree with this
Women don't have to be anything.
They can be whatever the hell they want to be!
If they're a girlfriend or a wife, it's because they're special. They're everything to that special someone.
That seems like enough to me. I mean, lying and cheating are something that I would rather avoid in a relationship.. But that goes for both sides, not just guys, and not just women.
If they've become a wife or a girlfriend, it's because they're special to that other person, and they are more than just a friend. They have a special bond.
Girls don't need to change their entire being to make someone happy. If you're not happy with the way they are, then you don't deserve them.
As far as sexually attractive all the time goes, I'm really not sure how to approach that.
I mean.. I really don't know.
Suffice to say, I don't think that every girl needs to be sexy all the time.
That's asking them to put in hours of work every day just so they can be sexier to you?
No, that's not fair to them.
They have a right to have a day off when they can just hang out in sweats and a tank top with no makeup or without their hair done, and just eat ice cream and watch TV.
It's unrealistic to expect them to work every single day of the week just so they can attract someone.
It's up to them when they want to put in that much work.
Society definitely expects women / girls to be self-confident all the time.
They are expected to handle themselves with confidence no matter what happens.
I think that's a terrible thing to expect of anyone.
Everyone has off-days.
People have days where they feel ugly.
It's ignorant to assume that a girl is as happy as they look.
They can choose how much emotion to show, and often, they hide what hurts the most.
Just because they look beautiful, it doesn't mean they feel beautiful.
I talk about that sort of thing in this blog about beauty, so feel free to read that too!
(c). The media says who girls shouldn't be
This one is hard. I'm not quite sure about it..
But as usual, I'll ramble on until I find a point, then I'll abruptly stop right before I figure out how to prove that point.
It seems like the media doesn't want a girl to be self-confident.
It's kind of confusing because society expects a girl to be self-confident, but they don't actually want them to be self-confident.
If a girl was self-confident, the world would lose all their money.
The media doesn't want a woman to be independent either.
If they were, then they wouldn't constantly look for a man.
Which means they wouldn't have to worry about attracting someone by changing their appearance, so then cosmetic companies would lose money.
If they were independent, they would be happy.
And that would mean they would buy less of things that are made to make them happy.
To be brutally honest, society likes keeping women / girls at low self-confidence, and they love making them miserable. They would lose money if they were happy all the time.
That's why the media is constantly beating them down.
It pisses me off.
Why I don't agree with this
I kind of just am going to repeat myself from that earlier point.
Women can be whatever or whoever the hell they want to be.
Society doesn't choose who they are, they choose who they are.
(d). The media decides what girls need to do to be attractive
So for this, I'm just going to recommend you read my blog about beauty.
It really explains how I feel on this topic.
Sooo yeah.
Read up (:
(e). The media tells them what others think of them
This one, I'm also not sure on.
I told you that I wasn't going to do very well on the girl section!
But hey, you're reading it anyway.
I'm still not sure what to put in this section.
I guess it's actually kind of like the guy section.
Society wants us to think that no one will find you attractive as you are.
It constantly reminds you that you're not good enough as you are.
You need to change for everyone.
You need to become someone different, someone that will attract others.
Like I'm pretty sure I've said at least OVER 9,000!! times, you shouldn't have to change yourself completely to attract someone.
You don't have to be someone else to find someone who loves you.
And if they ask you to change who you are, then they don't love you for you.
That's kind of a brutal truth, but it really is true.
You shouldn't have to change who you are to make someone love you.
They should accept you for who you are.
This is where I'm gonna put in a little.. I don't know. Pep talk?
Or something like that?
Why do I do that?
Is it because I want a pep talk?
Why am I asking you this question?
What's the average flight velocity of an unladen swallow?
Well, African or European?
What?? I don't know that!
I don't know how I want my pathetic little pep talk to sound..
So I'll ramble.
As usual.
Society sucks.
The media sucks.
They always are feeding us bullshit to make us feel terrible about ourselves.
It feeds off of our despair.
And pain.
And discomfort.
It's like.. A terrifying parasite.
A cultural parasite.
It feeds off of our stupidity.
Like Jersey Shore.
Got in a Jersey Shore-type joke or something.
Fricking weirdos..
Waddling around like orange Oompa-Loompas.
With scary accents.
So that kind of was off-topic right there....
But anyway.
Yeah.. Society and the mass media really don't like any of us.
No matter how much they say they want to help, it just isn't true.
The media makes everyone feel like shit.
And I don't like that sort of thing. <-- (Kung-Pow reference).
Wow I'm getting off-topic a lot today.
I mean..
To you 3 people reading this, the media doesn't define who you are.
It really doesn't.
Neither do your friends.
Or your parents.
YOU define who you are.
No one else.
No one else can tell you who you are.
They can place unrealistic expectations on you.
They can tell you who you should be.
They can remind you of your failures.
They can give you crap for everything you do.
But they don't decide who you are.
They don't know you!
They don't know your goals in life.
They don't know what you want to accomplish.
They have NO right to force you to be something you don't want to be.
I don't care what society thinks you are, you get to decide.
You decide your own fate.
(I'm pretty sure that's a line from some movie, but I don't know. It's probably in every action movie ever).
No matter what society or the media tells you, you're special. You're awesome.
You're fine just the way you are.
You don't have to change yourself for anyone to love you.
If someone asks you to change yourself in a way you don't want to, then you don't have to.
They have no right to make you become someone different.
You owe it to yourself to accomplish what you want to do with your life.
Your goals and dreams are your own.
You don't have to do what people tell you to do.
You don't have to fulfill everyone's expectations of you.
It's your life, live it the way you want to.
Don't let people tell you what to do.
Your life is your own, your goals and dreams are your own, and don't let anyone tell you different.
I guess that's really all I have for this post.
It was kind of a lot to cover, but I think I did alright.
Obviously the writing is a little eh, but I think I got my point across.
At least I hope I did.
So leave a comment or something!
Tell me what you guys think.
Don't forget to hit the little share button down there!
Share it on SOME sort of site, or just post the link on facebook, or tell a friend, or use smoke signals, or semaphore, or sign language, or morse code, or whatever you kids are using these days.
I would love to get a bigger audience, so let some friends know about this blog (:
Top Five Songs of the Day
- Jamie All Over by Mayday Parade
- Get Up! By KoRn ft. Skrillex
- Just a Dream by Nelly
- Happy Birthday by Whoever the hell wrote that song I mean seriously the royalties on that must make him // rich
- She's Got a Boyfriend Now by Boys Like Girls
Song Lyric of the Day
~So go on love
Leave while there's still hope for escape
Got to take what you can these days
There's so much ahead
So much regret
I know what you want to say
(Know what you want to say)
I know it but can't help feeling differently
I loved you, and I should have said it
But tell me just what has it ever meant?~
-Kill by Jimmy Eat World
Video Game of the Day
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
This game is AMAZING.
I would recommend it to anyone who plays video games.
Youtube Video of the Day
This video makes me laugh every time I watch it.
It's funny.
Very funny.
Picture(s) of the Day
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