So since I woke up around 11, and had class at 2, I didn't really get started on a big blog or anything.
I knew this was going to happen, so I prepared a few simple posts that I'll put up for today.
This was mostly an experiment with my own brain.
I wanted to see how well I could recall and visualize emotions.
So I picked a few, and just kind of rambled about them.
I'm sorry I don't have a good blog for today.
I promise tomorrow I'll do something better.
I just am not in the mood to write today.
So yeah!
Here's the links to all three of them:
So that's basically my blog for the day.
Again, sorry I don't have anything good.
If I can't find a good topic. I'll probably end up doing something like this again, just so I can put up SOMETHING to read.
I might do another post just talking about my day, but I'm not sure.
Right now, I could really care less about any of this hahaha.
So yeah.
There's my posts for the day.
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