Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Good Day Streak: Day 12!

I'm so surprised that my good day streak has been going for 8 days.
It's seriously amazing to me.
I generally don't have so many good days.
Given last month, and the big event that I was dreading, that I was paranoid for....
Well, I didn't expect to be smiling much last month.

However, my days have been going very well.
Sure, there are times when I'm depressed, when I'm upset, when I can't smile.
But... Those times pass.
I mean, they still suck. And hurt like hell.
And I dread them. I really do. I wake up every day realizing that I'm going to be upset at some point.
But, I also wake up realizing I'm going to smile at some point.

So it's kind of hard to wake up. In case you didn't catch that.
But.... I really have been having good days.
At the end of the day, I can say that I had a good time, that I smiled a lot.

Also, deja vu.

Today wasn't too bad. I mean, it wasn't epic.
Actually, the ending of the day was very good.

I woke up, went to class, the LAST lab of my semester.
It wasn't in its usual place. I even called the lab coordinator, who said it was in the same place.
But it wasn't.
So... I didn't make it to the lab. But it's the ONLY lab I missed, which means I don't automatically fail!
Which is very good.
But I still freaked out. Badly.
Panic attack. Hyperventilation, trembling, etc.

I had a free hour before my class, so I drove to Wal-Mart and got a bag of Jessi's favorite candy, then drove out and dropped it off at her house.
I know that she's comfortable with me, because she had just gotten out of the shower, and she tossed on a shirt and some pants, and came right out to see me. Her hair was wet and she didn't have any makeup.....
It made me so happy that she was this comfortable with me!
It was awesome.

I got to my Abnormal Psych at 2ish, which was good. He said that today was the last class! Woohoo!
So that means Thursday is completely open.
The next two days are going to be really really awesome. I'm looking forward to them. So much.
Tomorrow, Jess and I are going to watch some movies at my house later in the night.
Then Thursday, we're taking Caleb and Christine out to lunch, to let them escape the horror that is judgmental Christians who are against dating and directly oppose the EVIL act that is... KISSING.
I mean, kissing is basically the worst thing in the entire world. Ever.


Pisses me off.
So we're going to help them get out of that place for a little.
And plus, they get to meet Jessi! Which I'm excited about.
I'm looking forward to introducing her to my friends. My parents like her so far, which is good.
And Jessica's dad REALLY likes me! Which is really really good. He's got a shotgun (which I've seen), so I'm glad I'm on his good side.

I got home after class and hung around, then played the drums for a good 3 hours.
Which was really awesome. I got some emotions out and was able to relax a bit.
Then I had dinner.

Then I found out that Jessi was not having a good night..
So she dropped by, and we went on a short adventure!
We basically drove around. We had a couple goals.

1. Go to this secret place that I needed to show her!
2. Buy a stuffed animal, or
3. Buy a sweatshirt.

1. The secret place was just this cute little lake out in a neighborhood. That was easy.

So goal 2 and 3 are kind of connected.
I got this idea from a friend. Her and her boyfriend would take a small stuffed animal, and keep it at each other's houses until it smelled like them, then gave it to the other.
So I know that Jessica and I are able to see each other often, and we're only 15 minutes apart, but we still like this idea.
So! We drove out to Wal-Mart to buy a stuffed animal with zebra stripes, because it's her favorite pattern.
There was nothing. So we tried out the claw machine 6 times, and didn't get anything.

So we drove down to Target, and decided to get an article of clothing instead. A sweatshirt, to be precise.
But Target was closed.
So we drove back up to Wal-Mart, but they didn't have any good sweatshirts.
Headed down to see if Kmart was open. It wasn't.
Up to Big Lots. Nope.
Old Navy? Nope.

At that point, we gave up.
Because it turns out, EVERY store closes at 10.
Yes, it's common sense to 99% of you, but it didn't occur to us!

And we jammed to a bunch of music, and I impressed her with my rapping skills.
Which aren't really that good, but hey! I can sort of rap.
That's a lie. I can regurgitate words that I've heard before.
But anyway. STILL COUNTS.

We also realized that we're extremely cute in small ways.
For example, we love cuddling and holding hands.
So when we're driving, every time I go into 4th gear, we hold hands!
But we realized that we have to let go of each others' hands when I stop and start.
That wasn't okay!
So now, she places her hand on top of mine when I shift!
So we're constantly holding hands.
I know it's silly, that it's small, and most people would find it unnecessary.

I personally find it amazing. Because we're very affectionate people..
So holding hands makes us both very happy.
We're a pretty darn cute couple, if I say so myself.

That's basically my day.
Right now, I'm listening to the Bayonetta soundtrack.
It's pretty epic.

The entire soundtrack is great, but this has to be my favorite.
Ugh. Now I want to play Bayonetta.

That's it for now.
I'm going to head to sleep.
I'm very excited for today already. I can't wait to see my girl again.
Somehow, things seem perfect when I'm with her.
Being in her arms makes all the bad stuff from the world just... Disappear.

I realize I'm becoming "that guy" that constantly talks about his girlfriend on his blog, but..
Well, it's the best thing that's happened to me in a while.
So I can't resist talking about her!
Okay, now I'm going to sleep for reals.
Sleep well everyone! Today will be a good day ( :


We're scary.

She titled this picture "Cute as a Button"

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