Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 80: The Least Eventful Day In History!

Today was....
Boring, even by my standards.

I literally did not move more than 10 feet away from my bed all day.
I sat in my room.. Alone.
Listening to music. Playing games. Reading a bit. Watching Netflix. Playing my bass.

Well, today, I didn't want to be around anyone. At all.

My brother-in-law and sister came over today around 11.. We were going to go to Vern's and get breakfast, then go to the shooting range.
It's something that I normally would enjoy.

It's something I would have gone to.


I woke up miserable. I've been in an apathetic mood all day.
I mean, I've taken measures to make myself smile, to make myself happy.
Which worked.. partly.
Kind of.

One of those changes I was talking about yesterday: I'm going to be happy more.
It's something that I'm working on. I mean, I actually have a Word document on my computer with a list of goals and weaknesses I need to start strengthening.

So.. I'm getting started on those. I'm pretty determined, and I know I'll complete them.

Oh my goodness. I really need to start doing situps. I really do.
Being apathetic doesn't help much.

I gotta get back into working out. Very badly.

I'll do some before I get in the shower for the night.

I haven't eaten today.. I'm not hungry. I haven't been in the mood for a meal all day.
I just.. I don't want to eat. I don't see the point in it right now.
Just.. Not hungry at all.

Well, I'm not miserable. That's a good thing.
I'm working on smiling.
I'm doing fairly well, actually.
I can keep myself smiling. It's the least I can do.

Gotta keep my eyes on the goal(s).

Tomorrow, I'm going to Caleb's.. Hopefully.
Until then.. Bye!


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