Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 93: Blargh Pt. 3

Yes, I'm still sick.
It sucks.

My throat has been sore all day.
I woke up feeling... The worst physically I've felt in a long time.
Until I took some Ibuprofen, then I felt better.

So I've been taking Ibuprofen all day.
It helps.

But for some reason, I've been feeling.. I'm not sure.
"Out of it" isn't the right phrase.

But I guess..
Hmm.. More often I seem to end up "Thinking about thinking."

If that makes sense.
I start to space out and stuff.

Jessi came over today!
It's been a while since we were at my house.
But it was fun.

She asked if we could play Mortal Kombat at my house haha.
She asked yesterday. So I said yes!

Because I picked up the new Mortal Kombat last week.
I figured... Well, my video game genre of choice right now is fighting games.
Well, and RPGs.
Either one.

But I'd never owned a Mortal Kombat game, so I decided I should!
If you play Street Fighter enough, you can start to slowly..
Well, I now think about fighting games in relation to Street Fighter IV.
So Mortal Kombat was a big big step.
It's clunkier.
And they actually have a button devoted to guarding! It's so awkward for me to have to hold down Right Trigger in order to block, instead of just holding the stick away from the enemy.

I.. I was nice to Jessi!
The first couple games, I was.. Pulling out combos and mixups and stuff and I think it kind of made it boring for her.
So I was nice! I didn't just go and win every round.

But I'm slowly starting to pick it up again. It's a really great game!
I mean, it's slower and clunkier than Street Fighter, but I still like it.

I also picked up Jessi about.. 45 minutes ago? And we went to Perkin's and bought her a blueberry muffin, then went back to her house and sat watching Comedy Central until she started to get tired, then I left.
Her cats are slowly starting to like me!

That's actually kind of important to me.. They're adorable and important to her, so I want to be loved by them.
It's weird, but it's just something.
But they're starting to like me! Yay!

That's my day....

Now for the geek portion of the blog.

So I've been watching lots of pro matches and reading up on character strategies in Mortal Kombat.. I'm going to be better at it.

Next on my game list?
Tekken 6.
Then King of Fighters XII.
Or vice-versa.

Then I'll own a majority of the games that are featured in the EVO tournaments! Yay!
I think I mainly get on Youtube to watch pro matches in fighting games.. That's basically what Youtube is right now. And occasionally funny videos and such.

Uhhhh, what else what else..
Well, the split second I get the money, I'm pre-ordering Resident Evil 6.

No idea how I'm going to make money.. My job search isn't going very well.

I really, really, REALLY want RE6. I mean really.

I've been playing through all the other Resident Evil games that I could get my hands on.
I'm so so excited for it.

I also re-installed Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops on my PSP.
I'm playing that right now, actually.

It's a fun game.
Though I think I'm going to play some New Vegas before bed.

I'd set up Mortal Kombat, but it's in my basement.. And I'm too lazy to set it up in my room.
So yeah.

I'm off to be sneaky.

Sweet dreams!


PS: Here is a silly picture. Look at the silly picture. Laugh at the silly picture.

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