Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 50: Another early blog.

Kind of like yesterday, I'm going to blog now so I don't have to later. I have a feeling I'm going to be feeling upset later, so I'm going to blog now, while I'm still in a relatively good mood.

Slept a lot today. Feeling really really sick.
I hope it goes away by Sunday. I'm hanging out with Jessi on Sunday! Yay!
I'm excited for that. I miss her so much. Sigh.

That's all I really have to say.
The fact that my best friend called me a dick is still stinging. I haven't talked to her yet.
I just.. I don't know. It hurts. Really bad. I'll try to talk to her later.

Tonight... Hmmm how am I feeling.
Well, sick. Really sick. I feel like shit.
I also can't really identify what mood I'm in. I'm not upset, which is a first. But I have that itchy feeling in the back of my head that's telling me I'm going to be upset later. But if I am, I have people to talk to.
I have 2 in mind. Maybe 3. Or 4. I'm going to guess 2, though.

I really do feel numb right now.

I picked up the Dawn Of War II Full Pack for $15 today.
Steam has the entire Dawn of War franchise for 75% off.
So I picked it up.
So did Aaron, and Ian.

I started it and found out..
Well, there's no buildings.
It's purely unit-focused.
Which, for an RTS, is very strange.
I suppose it's kind of fun.
Weird, but fun.
So Aaron, Ian and I are all going to try it out sometime this week, maybe figure out our favorite races and play styles. I'm pretty excited.
Geoff bought me Warhammer 40k: Space Marine.
So we're going to play some co-op WHENEVER HE GETS ONLINE.

He got off around 5 minutes after mine finished installing.

Well, I'm done for now.
I'm going to go play some more Dawn Of War. Maybe learn how to play it more.

I'm not unhappy.
I'm proud of myself. For not being unhappy.
Okay, a little unhappy. But I'm going to do something about it.
Like talk to my amazing girlfriend!
Or other friends!
Or watch something funny on Netflix!
Or play some video games, splatting headshots on zombies!
Or play some Forza, and race cars around a track.

I don't know what I'll do. Probably a little of everything.

I really hope I don't have a bad night.

Good night world!


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