Monday, October 29, 2012

10/28- Bluurrgghh.

I'm sick.

It sucks.

I woke up pretty much feeling like shit.
So I've been sick all day.


I'm just hoping I wake up tomorrow feeling at least a little better.
If not, well...
I'll have to miss a class.

It would be the first one that I miss this semester.
So.. Hopefully I feel well enough to go, but if I don't.. Well, it's not life-changing.
But I'll see if I'm feeling good enough when I wake up.

Today.. Hmm.

Even less eventful than usual.
Sleep, reading, gaming, sleeping..

Uh.. Yeah.
That's all I have to say right now.

At least that I can think of.

I should go sleep soon.


I don't want to sleep.
Not in the mood.
Well, I will have to eventually.



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