Monday, October 8, 2012

10/8- Sonic Shake!

Today was.. Alright. It was a normal day.

Class, came home.
Etc etc.

I beat a couple bosses that were pissing me off in Dark Souls, so.. That was actually a great feeling.

Later, Lizzi actually called me up, and we went to coffee.
Well, we went to Sonic and got a shake. Because she's never had a shake from Sonic, so we obviously had to do that.
And she loved it. Woo!
We just drove around and did a lot of talking.
Listened to a very wide variety of music, which was fun as well.
It was a good night.

Tomorrow, I might get together with Aaron to hang out, game, play music.. Etc.

So yeah!
I guess that's it for now.

I need to get some sleep.

I love you all.

Good night.

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