Sunday, January 27, 2013

1/27- Movie Night!

Today, I basically spent the entire day waiting for Bethany to come over.
At around 6, she came over, and we went to King Sooper's.
Our plan was to buy some ice cream, candy, and watch movies.

We got to the ice cream section, and there already was a group of girls basically doing the same thing..
Bethany had her sweats, and I was wearing my Pillsbury Doughboy pajama pants.
We discussed with the other girls that Saturday was ice cream night. And they were all jealous of my pants.

I haven't worn these pajama pants in... A long time.
But I think I'm okay with wearing them.
They're pretty comfy.

So we watched a few movies, and she went home around 10.

I'm also determined to try and work out more.
I talked to Mike, and he gave me a 20-minute work out that I could do a couple times a day.

I'm going to try and wake myself up fast enough to do it tomorrow morning.

Uh.. That's it for now.

Good night.


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