Saturday, February 2, 2013

2/1- Today was wonderful.

Well, correction. The day after 5PM was wonderful.
Up until then.. Horrible.
I spent the day worried and nervous because of something I had to do.
But hey.. I made it.

Up until then, I was nervous and upset.
I actually started off my Philosophy class by crying.
Not exactly how I wanted to spend it.

But.. Well, I felt better that evening.
After I did what I was scared of, I felt a little better.

I headed off to the movies at 6:45 or so. I was originally planning on being there at 6:45, but I kind of lost track of time.
But I got there.

Connor, Riley, Taylor and I were all the ones who went to see the movie "Warm Bodies."
I.. Loved it.
It's a zombie movie, but it's the perfect date movie. That's not just me saying it, that's from a couple girls that walked out of the movie.
It's so so adorable!

It's easily rocketed up to my top 5 movies along with The Grey and.. I don't know. Other movies.
I'm not focused enough to think about that.

But anyway.
Lizzi, Ashley, Ashley's boyfriend Levi, and Sara all went to my house after the movie.
We just hung out, played games, and just.. Sat around and talked.
I loved it. I got to talk with my friends I hadn't seen in a while, and we all met someone new.

Unlike my last birthday party, not everyone knew each other.
I mean, Lizzi, Sara and Ashley all knew each other, but that's really it.
The main thing they all had in common was being my friend.

It was a great night.
It thinned out a bit, with Riley, Connor, Taylor and I just sitting around, playing some games.
Riley left, so Taylor, Connor and I started watching The Hunger Games, because Taylor really really wanted to see it, and I was totally down to see it.
About halfway in, Connor left because he had to get home.

And Taylor left about.. 15 minutes ago.
It's interesting..

We met about 9 hours ago, but we both feel like we've been friends for a long time.
It's a very different feeling. I mean.. I feel like I've known her for a long time.

So I made a very, very wonderful friend tonight.
We both are in.. Similar situations at the moment.
We're both emotionally stressed out, we're both confused by our own feelings for other people, and we are.. Pretty stretched thin.
But I really needed a friend like her.
I can see parts of me in her, and we both relate to each other on a whole new level than any of my other friends.

We've also started a list of movies to see, because both of us haven't seen some big movies.
She hasn't seen Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, I haven't seen Edward Scissorhands.

So Sunday, we're going to watch some movies in the afternoon, then go to Old Town to get a certain type of soda that she recommended, then coming back to watch a few more movies.
Then Monday, we're going to watch a couple more.

I.. I don't know. I really like her. Obviously we just really met, but I feel a stronger connection with her than most people I know.
I tend to get interested in people easily, in case you haven't noticed.
So I'm keeping myself objective, and I'm not getting my hopes up over anything until we've hung out more.
But.. Yeah. I like her.

All in all, today was fantastic.
Beginning, not so much.
The rest of it.. Awesome.

I'm getting tired, so I'm going to bed.
Hopefully the weekend will contine being awesome.
Good morning, have a good day everyone!


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