Monday, February 25, 2013

2/25- Sick! Hooray!

Yeah I feel pretty sick.
Not exactly what I wanted to feel today, but hey. It happens.

I ended up waking up, then going back to sleep for my first class.
I really did not want to go. So I slept in and went to my next one instead.

Psychology and Philosophy were not that bad!
Took notes and such.

After class, I came home and got comfy and basically sat around for a bit.
Did some reading and studying.

Then I went to Taylor's and hung out with her for the evening.
There was a major issue with her checking account, so we went to the bank and got it all sorted out.
We went back to her house and watched various shows on History Channel!

And then I came home and finished some studying and wrote out my speech for tomorrow.
So.. That's my day!

Good night!


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