Saturday, March 1, 2014

03/01- I was spectacularly lazy. Also it snowed.

Yeah, it snowed. It kinda bums me out. I don't like the snow as much anymore, it's getting obnoxious! I like the warm weather.

Today, I was... Very, very lazy. I slept in late (11ish), woke up and played lots of video games,


That's literally it. I also took a nap. And ate brown rice and chicken with chopped-up peppers in it while I watched POKEMON WHICH IS NOW ON NETFLIX.


I'm not feeling great right now. I'm emotionally blah and easily upset and I need to go to the gym but the roads are nasty so I'm waiting until Monday.

And plus a song on Pandora just came on that I used to listen to with my last girlfriend came on, so... Yeah. I'm just kinda eh. And yet I haven't changed the song. It's not that I miss her, it's that I miss what I had with someone. Aside from the stress I had from her, I mean. Annnnd now I'm really lonely.


I want to meet someone sometime soon, you know? I just want someone to care for who will treat me like a damn equal. It's just hard to find someone who has all the interests I do. I can't imagine meeting anyone who loves cars, video games, and the same type of movies and music I do. I honestly can't imagine what it would be like to meet a cute girl who has those interests anymore. It's annoying me right now. It usually doesn't, but when I'm already down it kind of compounds on whatever I'm feeling and just makes me feel like more shit.

I kind of want to vent but I don't know what to say really. It's not that I'm depressed, it's just than I'm frustrated and lonely at the same time, and I can't really make myself meet someone faster. I can meet people at parties and stuff, but there's no guarantee my next date will be there, right? I'm better off waiting till summer when I: a) Will have a hotter body and: b) Won't have school to stress about.

Oh well. I mean, I have the gym to look forward 6 (usually) days out of the week, and I'm pretty damn proud of myself for going so often. On top of that, I handled that last attempt at a relationship very well, and I've been doing pretty well, actually. It's just that some nights I feel awfully lonely. So I think I'm doing very well. Yay me!


I'm off to play more games then hit the hay.



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