Monday, November 5, 2012

11/4- Skinny Jeans!

Today was alright!
I slept in until about noon, then I stayed up, being lazy..

Then I took a nap again from 3 to 4... Ish.
I got up and headed to the mall.
My mom advised maybe walking around and checking for jobs, so that's what I did!
I picked up around 8 applications, then got information on where to apply online, or what stores are accepting resumes.

So I have around 12 stores that I'm going to be applying to in the next week.
I made sure to only apply to places that I wouldn't totally hate.
I don't want to have a job that would make me miserable, because I.. Well, I'd do a terrible job and get fired. That's not fun.

But while I was out, I got a pair of $45 or $50 skinny jeans from American Eagle for $30!
As a reward for finding 12 places to apply to and getting their applications.
Great deal.

Granted, I don't often shop at somewhere like American Eagle.
In fact, that's the first time I've been in there.
But I needed new skinny jeans.
And the ones at Hot Topic were all.. Very tight.
I love those, but I figured I should probably have a new pair that will last me for a bit.

Maybe another time I'll get some at Hot Topic.
I may get some shit from people for liking those tight pants, but I like them.
As long as they're not completely skin-tight.

Let's see..
I saw my friend Jacy at the mall, along with her brother Marcos.
That was nice.
I missed them.

Went to King Soopers next.

Saw my friend Kaytie there!
Her and our friend Sarah used to hang out.
The last time we all hung out, we went to the mall, and they convinced me to get a free hand massage, free lotion, and some free bath salts to test out. It was.. Very fun.

I miss them.
That's.. A little over a year ago, I think.

I got some Xing Juice.
It's basically...

It's pure sugar.
But it's 24oz for like 99c.. So it's good.
I got some of that, some sunflower seeds, and some Snyder's Jalapeno Pretzel Pieces.
And some Pop Tarts.

That should keep me occupied for the next week or so.


Nerd time! Briefly.
I've been playing lots of Street Fighter, and I think I've decided on my main favorite characters.
Vega is by far my favorite, but Oni is right after him, with Evil Ryu in a close third.
For the past day or so, I've only been playing Oni, and it's a great feeling to see that you're learning a character. I'm really having fun with him. I played through the Arcade on Hard today, and if I lost a match, I only lost one.
As in, I lost the first two rounds.
But I won the next 2 after trying again.
Which is awesome!
Because it means I'm learning to read how the other character plays, and adjust my play style to counter them! That feels good. So I'll probably play some of that before bed.
End of Nerd time.

Hmm, how is Nolan feeling tonight.

A little of everything.
Surprising, right?

I'm not sure.
I think overall, I've been lonely the past week.
Obviously, except for the weekend. That was fantastic.
I loved hanging out with my guys.

But aside from that..
My moods have been swinging a lot. More so than usual.
And it's getting rough.
Because I'm finding that not all of my friends who say they're here for me 24/7.. Actually are.
Okay, not exactly 24/7.
Because not everyone goes to sleep at 3 in the morning.

But you know what I mean.
Not everyone who says they'll be here through everything actually are.
Which is part of life, so I just have to get used to that.
Doesn't mean it's easy.

On the other side, I'm feeling..

There's not really "another side" right now.
This evening, I did not do a good job at keeping myself busy.
So I'm really paying for it right now.

Well, I can go to sleep soon and just.. You know.
Pass out. Ignore the world.

I would say today was a good day!
12 - 3 was being lazy,
3 - 4 was sleeping,
4 - 5 was getting job apps and saying hi to friends,
5 - 10 or so was drumming, listening to music, playing video games..
10 - 12 is kind of a blur. I don't know what happened.

And 12 until now..

Really, really badly.

But.. Today was good.
That's good, right?

I'm going to play Street Fighter and try to keep myself distracted until bed time.


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