Friday, November 9, 2012

11/8- My room has been changed!

This is madness!
My room is different!


It's also brighter in here, because I got rid of the top half of my desk.

Also, my 360 has it's own dedicated monitor, as opposed to before where I had to switch it from my laptop to 360 every once in a while.
That wasn't a major problem or anything, it's just cool that it's different now.

I love reorganizing things.

I'm cool like that.
Let's see..

How was today. Today was.. Thursday.
Hey! That means it's Friday tomorrow!

Hooray! The weekend!
I have.. No plans yet.
Except maybe visit Janae! I miss hanging out with her.

Especially because the first time we had seen each other in about 2 or 3 years, we went to her house, walked to her room, and sat on her bed, eating chocolates, hugging and talking about the romance (or lack thereof) in our lives!

So hopefully, I'll see her again on Sunday. I desperately need a good hug.
I'm going through withdrawal.

I don't know how I'm feeling tonight.
The easy answer is, "Not very well."

Turns out, the easy answer is the right answer!
I feel like shit tonight!

I'm having a terrible night. For so many reasons.

And it's bothering me.

So I'm going to listen to music, force myself to smile, and play some damn video games.

But I'm going to go to sleep soon anyway.

Oh well.

Tomorrow will (hopefully) be better.
Just gotta keep moving along.

Check out my comic section thingy at the top.
I'm updating that regularly.

I don't really get great reviews on Reddit for most of them, so..
They go on my blog.

Where bad comics go to die.


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