Thursday, April 4, 2013

4/3- Today, was, a, day, when, stuff, happened.

Today, I woke up at Taylor's house!

I swear, it was HOT in that room last night.
Not like that. Perv.

I mean that I was sweating. Somehow, ALL the sheets shifted from on top of her, ALL on me.
So I had about 3 feet of blankets piled on me and didn't know it.

"I have a lot of blankets. I like to cocoon myself."

Yes, yes she does.

I woke her up and went to class.
Class was alright!

I mean, stressful.
I didn't have a good class day.

Just.. Stress.

After class, I dropped by her house and we went to the bank to get her some money figured out.
Her card expired and she needed the cash!

We got all that stuff figured out, and she headed out to work.

I went over to Aaron's at that point!
We played lots of Monster Hunter, and we progressed to High Rank. It's awesome.

And now I'm at Taylor's! We just went down to the gas station to get her some gas, then dropped by my house to get my meds.
And now, we're watching Family Guy, then we're gonna go sleep and be lazy.

-Taylor & Nolan

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