Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5/21- It's summer, I'm back, and it's time for a re-cap!

Okay, not a real re-cap. I mean seriously.

Just most of it. 

Okay, not even most of it.

Just some of it.

Okay, not even some of it.

Just as much as I feel like talking about I suppose.

Last blog was about... OH DEAR GOD IT'S MORE THAN A MONTH AGO!


No seriously. What the hell? I don't know why that's become "a thing," but it disturbs me.
It was probably a bet.
Look it up on Youtube if you dare.

But anyway.
I haven't blogged in a long time.

But I'll try to get back into it! Just because I enjoy bringing you, the reader, a bunch of exciting things.

Such as...


Today... Weather happened. OH WAIT NO IT DIDN'T I LIVE IN SPACE NOW.
Yes. I live in space. On Mars. 
I'm the King of Mars at the moment. 
Gonna resign and take over Neptune tomorrow. Bring my own trident and everything.

I'm exhausted and kind of... Rambling on about everything.
I'll try and focus now.

Let's see here...
Since my last blog...

A lot has happened actually!
I mean, there's just a lot of stuff. Mostly random. 
I can't think of any specifically huge events that are massive and require hours of documentation. 
I'll try to pick the big ones.

Taylor went out to Vegas for her birthday! She went to spend a few days with her mom, and she had a fantastic time. She got to go to the Pawn Stars pawn shop (one of her favorite shows), look at the menu of one of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants (one of her favorite chefs), and visited the Hoover Dam (one of her favorite concrete structures named after a President of the United States that holds back large amounts of water)!

We had our 2-month anniversary. 
Now, I know that's a little... Not childish, but I don't know the word I'm looking for.
The sad thing is, that's actually a unique thing in our generation. Our relationships are short-lived but intense. 
So to me, 2 months is important. 
It's been a fantastic 2 months, going on 3. I'm excited about it.
For the first time, my girlfriend is my best friend. I've never experienced it before, and I love it. 
It's... Unique. 
This girl... I love her. I really do. You all can say that I'm too young to know what love is, but I know I do.
I may be young and immature, but I can be mature sometimes, when the situation calls for it.

School... How did school go... Well, it wasn't horrible! I didn't fail anything that I know of. I'm currently waiting on finding out the grade that I got for the class that I was failing, so I'm kind of nervous to know what I got.
But I didn't fail anything else. That I know of...

My History class was iffy. Not great. But I didn't completely do horribly. Just not my subject I suppose. 

Next was Psychology 210. We studied a lot of different approaches to psychology, like Industrial//Organizational psychology or specific methods of therapy and such. That was an awesome class!
I loved it. I did alright. 

After that was Philosophy 110: Logic and Critical Thinking. Yeah... Didn't do too well. I might have failed. Still not sure. I just hated the way the professor taught. He taught well, I just didn't learn in the way he explained things, which was entirely out of definitions and vague diagrams. 

SPCM 200, Public Speaking. I loved that class. It was so much fun. The instructor was really nice, young, enjoyable, enthusiastic, and just all-around really cool. 

PSY316 was Environmental Psychology. It was... Interesting. Not my favorite, but it was remotely interesting. 

I hope that I didn't do too badly this semester.

Alright, onto the rest of my life.

I am a cashier at Wal-Mart. 
I haven't had any bad experiences yet. At least, none that are nearly as bad as the ones people always talk about. I don't hate my job!
I make about $8.40 an hour, which is pretty good. On my first paycheck, I bought Taylor and I dinner at Cafe Athens, and then bought her an adorable little jade Buddha that she'd been waiting to get for a month or two. I get paid again on Thursday, because my first paycheck was at an awkward time in the pay period where I only got paid for 6 hours. So hopefully this one will get me lots of money. I've already used a lot of it, but I still will have some left. I want to get an iPhone and a couple tickets to Elitches for us this summer.
One of our friends TJ has an iPhone that he's willing to sell me for maybe $130 or so. I'm quite excited for that.

I got Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate in the past couple months. 
I have around 192 hours into it, and I've loved every minute of it.
I'm having a large get-together of guy friends on Thursday, and I'm sure there will be much hunting done. Fantastic game. 

I also picked up Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3!
My current team is Taskmaster//Ghost Rider//Nemesis.
There's some changes to be made there, so I'm still deciding on that stuff. Maybe use Strider as anchor, not sure. 
Oh! And we're moving!
Sometime in mid-July. We're moving to a small house a little south of Trilby. North side of Loveland. I'm excited.

I think that's really it for now... Oh oh oh!
Here is my girlfriend's blog. Read it!
It'll be getting more and more intense over time. I'm sure that you'll love to read it! So follow it, check it daily, read up on that stuff!

I'm going to go to sleep now. Gotta get some rest.

G'night world!
