Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Herp. Derp... Short post is short.


Here I am again.

What a surprise, eh?
How unique and unexpected!
I never would have guessed that I would be blogging tonight!

How exciting!

I'm feeling kind of sarcastic.
Just in case you couldn't tell.

I'm not sure how I'm feeling.
I mean, I'm not feeling fantastic.
I'm not really feeling that good actually.

I'm not feeling bad?

Maybe I am.
For all I know, I could be absolutely miserable.
I'm not exactly paying attention.
The way I look at it, I don't want to bother feeling emotions right now.
I'm constantly distracting myself so I don't have to.... Think.
So I don't have to feel.
I'm constantly finding something to do, I'm constantly keeping myself occupied. That way, I don't have to worry about feeling upset.
I found out that I'm pretty good at it too.
After living behind a mask for 4 or 5 years, I guess I'm good at this.


I'm feeling alright now.
I'm talking to my friend, which is really nice.

I mean, I'm hanging out with Cameron and Dan, which is really awesome.

I guess talking to her helps me relax, and it just makes me smile.

Let's see.. What did I do today..

Video games.
Basically that's it.
Dead Space 2, GRID, Dead Island, Titan Quest, Need For Speed, Super Street Fighter...
Lots of games.
That's basically it.

I haven't played Minecraft though, which I suppose I should do.

Too lazy.

I'm watching Youtube videos!
Drum covers..

It's fun.
I need to go play the drums now.

Gah. I wish I could come up with something funny to say!


I put myself on the spot.
Yeah, I got nothing.

I'm tired of this..
I don't know!
I can't even think of something un-funny to say!

I need to work on that.

Yesterday, Ian called me a League of Legends hipster.
I buy all the items that people don't use.
Or that not enough people use.
The new locket thing..
Executioner's Calling..





Let's see.. What else do I talk about.

I don't know.
I guess I just... Feel.........
I don't know what I feel.
That's why it's bothering me.
I usually am able to put any feeling into words.
I usually can distinguish between my complex emotions and feelings, at least enough to pick out what I'm feeling.

It's kind of stressing me out that I'm not able to do that right now.
You know?

It's nights like these I miss staying up late on Skype, being able to talk to someone constantly.
: \


I really hope I can say I had a fantastic spring break at the end of this week.


I'm now feeling good(:
I'm talking with a friend about.. People.
And emotions.
And I guess I'm offering advice.

I love offering my advice and opinions, but not many people really value my two cents.
So I absolutely love it when someone does(:

I think I'm going to end my blog now while I'm happy (:

Good night everybody!

Have a good evening and a pleasant tomorrow!


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