Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jealous guys.. Calm down! And.. Swallowing 37 magnets isn't smart.

Let's see..
What to talk about..






I don't know.
I'm thinking, I'm working on it.
That's why I keep typing "Hmm", because I'm thinking on.. Paper?
Thinking on... A blank blog post.


You know what pisses me off?
Overly protective or possessive boyfriends.

Girls have a life too.
They have the right to hang out with other people besides you!
I mean really.

I get that you can get jealous, and there's nothing wrong with that.
It's jealousy to the point that you yell at any other guy that your girlfriend even meets that it gets annoying.

I'm a jealous guy!
I admit that.
But I got over it!
I'm not nearly as jealous. I only actually get bothered if she's with someone who's constantly trying to hit on her or something. That kind of jealousy is, I think, appropriate. It's just a matter of how you react to it.
If you start stalking every guy she's ever known, if you start accusing her of messing around with another guy, if you try to make her stop talking to other guy friends, then it's annoying. Then it reaches the point where you're just being an asshole.

Where did this come from, you may ask?
I texted one of my friends today, and the first response I get back is "This is her boyfriend. Back the f*ck off."

The thing is, I like her. I mean, I'm not desperately in love or some shit.
When I say I like her, I mean that she's my friend. A close friend that I enjoy talking with.
If it came to the point that we could date, I would take it, but I'm fine with our relationship the way it is!

But she knows this!
He knows that I'm not the scary creepy guy that tries to take girls away from guys.
Yes, I like her. She's a friend! That's it! And I've made it very clear to her multiple times that it doesn't bother me when she talks about other guys, that I'm fine with just being her friend.
Her happiness is all I care about. If she's happy with her boyfriend, then I'm happy too!
I'm not just saying that, it's true.

But I'm not actively trying to ask her out, I'm not trying to show my affection for her, I'm not trying to take her away from her boyfriend.. Etc.

If he is this against me talking to her at all, she's misrepresented me.
She's talked about me in such a way that he has to be worried about me taking her.
Which is bothering me a lot.
The way I see it, if she had explained how I feel to him, he would know that I care about her in a way that means I don't get bothered by her having a boyfriend, that I'm happy when she's happy.
But if he's this panicked, if he gets pissed at me for even talking to her, she probably made it sound like I'm obsessed with her.
Which.. Ouch.
It hurts. That's not who I am at all. And I guess even though I tried to be just a friend, I still messed up.
Oh well.

Chalk that one up as a learning experience.

Now I know.

I can't blame him for being jealous.
The thing is, I can blame him for being an ass about it.
The mature way to approach this would have been talking to me, explaining to me that he's her boyfriend, then telling me that he knew that I like her still. He didn't have to tell me to back the f*ck off!

It bothers me that she didn't even mention that she had a boyfriend.
And if he's this angry about me talking to her, she most likely has been telling him that I'm constantly texting her, that I'm getting annoying, that I'm infatuated with her..
None of that is true.
I like her, yes.
But our friendship is more valuable than trying to ask her out.
Does that make sense?

I know I never had a chance with her, and I'm okay with that.
It doesn't hurt that she has a boyfriend.
In fact, I'm extremely happy for her!
I just wish..
Well I wish she would have at least mentioned it to me.

If her boyfriend is this jealous, if she is this bothered by me talking to her, I need to start texting her less.
I need to stop annoying her.

It pisses me off when a guy tries to control what a girl does.
It... Yeah. It really really pisses me off.
Just because you're a guy, it doesn't mean you have the right to decide who she hangs out with, it doesn't mean you can shut down her guy friends. Ugh!
It's stupid! Why the hell would you think you get to decide how she runs her life??

GAAAH. I don't know.
I'm just pissed off right now. That guy really got to me.
It's annoying that he wasn't mature enough to just talk to me.
I mean, really? Starting out a conversation, introducing yourself by telling me to f*ck off?
So stupid.
I don't know what his problem is.

My thoughts are completely scattered!
I'm sorry if everything above this sentence has been confusing and random. I most likely repeated myself a few times, but that's just because I'm typing the way I would talk to a friend.
My thoughts tend to loop back to each other repeatedly.
So I sound kind of.. Random.

Sorry about that!
I think I'll write about something else now.

Not sure what to write about.
I'll ramble, and we'll see what happens.


So I just saw something on the news about Bucky Balls (as dirty as that sounds...).
Apparently, a 3 year old swallowed... 37? Really?
She swallowed 37 magnets, which all merged together in her stomach, and tore a hole in her intestine.


Sounds like she was,

Attracted to negative occurrences.


Dammit. I need to find a better joke.
I'll work on that.
It sounded funny in my head..
Give me a bit.
I'll find another joke that will be funnier.

Can you imagine this in House? That would be kind of entertaining.
I mean, not the kid being in pain. That's not entertaining.
But House? Crazy cripple guy who screws the rules, removing magnets from someone's stomach?
Insert 'ball' jokes?

I'm going to give up sexual innuendos.. It'll be SO HARD.

It's funny.. Because that was an innuendo.

Penis joke.

I mean... I don't know.
You'd think those Bucky Ball things would be.. The things that you keep out of reach of children.
You know?
I get that they're cool and they are fancy.. But don't leave them out when you have a 3 year old that wanders around and eats ALL the things.

They're so cool.
Magnets.. How do they work?

I dunno.. Ask a mormon.

I don't get that whole thing.. Asking mormons how magnets work?
Still funny though.

We're a weird society.


"What's that in her stomach?"
"I don't know, but they sure are attractive."

Hah! Got another terrible joke.
About the magnet thing.

Bad joke.


I don't like science!
I really don't.

My two older sisters are on opposite ends of the educational spectrum.
One's an engineer, and the other was a literary arts major (I think. I don't remember the specifics).

Then I'm... Me.
I'm into psych!

I'm not a math person.. Or science. Or chemistry. Or anything that requires math higher than my times tables. Or long division.

I'm sitting in my bio class, listening to our short short review for the test on Friday.
It's overwhelming. I hate science! With a passion!

I'd rather do book reports.
I miss book reports...

And dioramas.
Those were fun!
Why can't we have dioramas and book reports???
I miss those.

I like reading.
A lot.
I haven't been reading a lot recently, but I need to start again.

I've been only really reading when I'm eating lunch or dinner, so I'm going slowly through books.
The only problem is, I'm paying less and less attention to my books.
I finished the Da Vinci Code in less than 24 hours when I was in Mountaincrest.
That's basically all I did.

I read the Da Vinci Code all the way through, then got about halfway before another book before I left.
They were good. I liked the Da Vinci Code. It was really cool!
I need to start reading more often.


I think that's really all I have to say right now.
Not much has happened today.
I need to go home, go eat lunch, then drop off a fruit smoothie for Ashley at her work, then head to work.
Then come home, review for my tests tomorrow and Friday.

I don't like studying.
At all.
Oh well.


Have a good day everybody!
Don't forget to share my blog with others!
Also, make sure to check back every day! It's a daily blog after all.
I update and talk about random stuff every day, so check back once in a while (:

Bye bye!

Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Surfacing by Slipknot
  2. Everybody Loves Me by One Republic
  3. I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance
  4. Surrender by Matchbook Romance
  5. Monsters by Matchbook Romance
Song Lyric of the Day

~these are my dreams, these are my beliefs
i want to trade them in for something real 
and just let it go, let it go
let it go, let it go
let it go, let it go

don't waste your breath
save your tears for somebody who believes
i can't help myself, let alone you
i'm tired of making love to a memory
i give up
i give up
i give~

-Surrender by Matchbook Romance

Video Game of the Day

Street Fighter IV

Youtube Video of the Day

Lizzi showed her to me a couple months ago, and I can't get over how funny she is.
She's kind of hysterical and amazing.
Check her out!

Picture(s) of the Day


Anonymous said...

He obviously felt threatened by you. I don't think you should be mad at him though. From what I can tell... she's the one who wasn't honest to both of you. (You and the boyfriend.) So she could have told him that she told you (multiple times) to go away, and you wont. As an excuse to continue texting you without any repercussions for her actions.
He probably thought that she was innocent in all of this. That you just kept texting, even when "told no".
So his first reaction was, "I need to be the man in this, and take control". He wasn't interesting in working it out, or figuring your side of it, because he has blind, love-struck trust in his girlfriend.
So instead of texting you something sweet and sincere, he texted one sentence that he knew would end your conversations, and kind of show you who could be the "ALPHA male" in this.
Don't get mad at him. Just like he didn't understand your point of view... you don't know his, or what he's been told. If anyone, blame the girl. She was dishonest to you, so she was probably dishonest to this guy.
Let it roll of your shoulder though. You did nothing wrong. Sometimes it's hard to imagine anyone hating you. But it's a fact you can't help.
The test will be easy. You got this.

‡- Nolan -‡ said...

I suppose so!
I guess I just was kind of.. I don't know.
Bothered by the fact that she didn't tell me about it, considering how often she tells me things.

You're definitely right though, I probably acted too hastily.