Sunday, January 26, 2014

01/26- Well I missed 4 days, sooooo here's what's been happening.

I DID follow through on that 7 AM workout! As a matter of fact, I did it again on Wednesday and Friday, and I'm doing it again tomorrow. I've been doing daily workouts, though Sundays are going to be my day off, just so I don't push it too much. Hmm what else happened...

Oh! I got yelled at by a professor on my first day of speech class! He had a problem with me using a laptop, but instead of being mature about it, he basically told me I was being a terrible student for making the professor hate me on my first day. SOooooOO I dropped out of that and got into a different class that actually matters. It's quite fantastic.

Hmmmm let's seeeeeee... I turn 21 on Thursday! So if I blog, it will most likely be a slightly tipsy blog. Not sure yet. We'll find out I suppose! I've always wanted to know what I'd be like drunk.

Uhhhh. I don't really know what else to say, to be honest. Basically, my week was just getting adapted to my classes, working out, and being lazy. Don't worry though, things will get interesting soon enough. At least I hope so.

So that's the week, how about my day.
I woke up and headed downstairs to play video games with Caleb and Christine, so we played a few games of League of Legends, which was great. We're trying to get back into the swing of things and actually be good at it again, like we used to be. After they left, I sat around the house being lazy for a few hours, then my dad rented Kickass 2 for us. It was... Much deeper than I expected. It was really, really good actually. Hilarious too.

Alright, well I'm starting to pass out, that new extra 20mg of medication is hitting me hard. I'm gonna get some sleep, and wake up nice n' early at 6:30 to go work out, even though it's going to be windy and snowy and cold! : D

With love,

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