Tuesday, January 28, 2014

01/28- Today was good!

I didn't actually DO much today, it was just good.

First off, I ran my mile in 9:24, about 40 seconds faster than yesterday! Great feeling!
Then, I headed to class and bought a little protein shake-type thing and drank it, just to see. It wasn't horrible, I was surprised. I don't wanna get bulky muscle, but hey, protein shakes are supposed to help with lean muscle too, so I went with that. I keep meaning to do yoga every day but forget. I'll try to remember tomorrow.

Ah anyway. After that, I went off to math class to do math-y things.
I went out to the store after class to buy some ingredients for a couple different protein-based meals that I wanted to cook tonight, but my dad picked me up soup! So the protein-based meal was delayed. But I did have some chicken and brown rice with it, and only drank a small bit of lemonade with my meal. I'm going to attempt to eat and drink and snack healthier over the coming weeks, and my mom is going to help me learn to cook better. I gotta be able to cook if I wanna land myself a fly honey amirite? Oh! I completed my math quiz on my first try today and was awfully proud of myself. With a 90%. Score!

For the evening, I watched some Netflix and sat around doing nothing, and I'm finishing up installing a few mods on Skyrim to make it pretty. So that's really it. I'm off to bed, gotta be up early tomorrow morning. Gotta get fit. See, my goal for the semester is to work out enough and get a body that, when I take off my shirt at the pool, there's an abundance of lens flare, time slows, music plays, and girls look over the tops of their sunglasses at me.


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