Sunday, November 11, 2012

11/10- Platformers!

I don't really have anything good to say today, because today was basically like any other day.

Well, I went and turned in my job applications! So hopefully I'll hear back from someone.

That's.. Pretty much my day.

Did some studying too. 2 days early.
I'm.. Not excited for this test.
I hope it'll be better than the last one, which.. I didn't fail, but I got about a 60.
So not complete fail, but.. Room for improvement!
I hope this test will be better.

Oh well.

Nerd time!

Deadlight and Mark of the Ninja.

Deadlight is AWESOME. 2D zombie survival game using the Unreal Engine.
It's SO much fun. And it's as stressful as a zombie game should be.
I really really like it.

But the real gem of the night..

Mark of the Ninja is the best platformer I have ever played. And I adore it. There's so much to do!
You feel.. Exactly like a ninja!
You're as overpowered as a ninja, and you can unlock different costumes that give you different abilities based on how you play..
The first one I unlocked was the Nightmare suit, which you get for completing terror-based objectives.
Like scaring a guard into shooting another guard, or killing one with a spike trap, or my personal favorite, scare a guard by hanging up another guard in front of him!

This game is 2D, just saying.
It's from the makers of the Shank games (which were pretty fun) but THIS game is by far my favorite that they've made.

I've been playing that most of the day.
Which I'm doing now.

I just decided to take a break, blog, then just kind of sit back from the laptop screen and focus on something else.

You know, it depends on the game, but I can really get in the zone.
And I'm in ninja mode right now.

And I'm.. I'm happy about being 'in the zone' right now.
Because I haven't exactly had a good day, just because I've had things to think about that I'd rather not think about, you know?
But this is the first time in a while that I've been.. Completely absorbed by something.

Music does that to me easily, so does reading.
But I think the only games that have made me completely block out everything else are Dark Souls and Street Fighter.

And I'm fine with the fact that I've been so absorbed in it.
Because if I had been left alone with my thoughts all night?
It would have been a terrible night.

And it's not!

So I'm going to take a break, get some water, and go back to being ninja!



And just like that, I'm crying again.
I made a mistake and actually thought about tonight and tomorrow.
Biiiiiiig mistake.

Time to go drown in ninjas and zombies.
Gotta chin up so I go to bed not depressed!

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