Tuesday, November 6, 2012

11/6- Butthurt.. Butthurt everywhere!

Election day!

Also, release of Halo 4.

Facebook.... Uhmm..
I'm not sure.

SO much anger, butthurt, jealousy, rage, pain..
And lots of humor, though if you posted something you thought was funny, odds are, you'd be beaten down and yelled at by everyone else.

Yay, the election happened.
I supported who I supported.

I don't think that I need to talk about my political beliefs and yell at people who disagree, so I'm going to leave this post butthurt-free!

Let's see..
Oh! I saw my psychiatrist today, and we got me some new medication!
It's called... Bupropion.

It's another anti-depressant, but it also boosts energy and focus.
Which I need.
Because I have no motivation.

And the extra anti-depressant bonus is very nice too, as my recent mood swings have been pretty bad.

I made a Tumblr today!
Lizzi helped me make it, because I have no idea how it works.

She even made little diagrams and step-by-step pictures on how to use it.
Which is awesome.

So here's my Tumblr.

I'll be updating my blog way more than my Tumblr, and I'll actually post things about my life on the blog, so I'd say focus on the blog if you want to know how my life is going.

But I'll probably post funny stuff on Tumblr too.

Here's a conversation that I had on Facebook..
I don't know why he gave up and didn't really stick to his guns.

It was amusing to me, because big trucks are funny.

Let's see..

Here's something cool my mom sent me!
I'm going to be doing it tomorrow. It should be fun.

I definitely would encourage you to do the same. It's a really cool idea!

Whoa, it's 12:30 in the morning.

Well, I think I'm good on my blog for now.
I'm going to go play some Dark Souls!
Or Street Fighter.

Not sure yet.
Ooh! Or Kingdom Under Fire.

Any one of those.

I'm feeling.. Pretty good right now.
Lizzi helped me find a new way to keep myself distracted, which is awesome.
And Tumblr is fun.

I posted some stuff on Reddit as well, and I have some new medication that might help me feel better that I get to try when I wake up.

Overall, I'm feeling alright.
I have my bad moments, but... I'm feeling okay right now.

So adios!

I hope you check out my Tumblr, as well as that Post-It note thing.



I'm going to try and start making little comics.. Here's one!

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