He's graduated from boot camp, and he's a Marine Recruit now.
I'm pretty damn proud of him.
I love knowing that 2 of my closest friends are Marines.
I went to Cooper's graduation-party-shindig-meal-dinner thing today.
It was from 2 - 6, and I stayed from 2 - 6:30 or so.
Pretty awesome. Saw Janae, Bethany, and Erin from our high school class.
They were really fun, I've missed talking to them.
I met a couple of his roommates too. James, Erica, and Sierra.
They were really fun too!
I ended up going home, and I wanted to go out afterwards with them to hang out at McDonald's and stuff.
But.. I came home and threw up.
I had eaten way too much food in the past 2 days.
So.. I stayed at home all night.
Which I'm fine with.
I finally moved up back to my room!
I've been keeping my laptop and Xbox in the basement for the past..
Geez, maybe couple months.
But I moved them back to my room.
Hooked up my 360 back to my dinky little 1280x1024 monitor, hooked up my laptop to my dusty speakers..
I like it in my room.
It's cozy.
So I'm going to stay in my room for a while.
Let's see.. Anything else that's happened..
Not much, actually.
I played Dark Souls for a couple hours because I had messed up, and I got somewhere in the game that I wasn't exactly.. Supposed to get to.. For a couple hours.
So I had too look up a guide on how to get out of the area, because I had messed up the puzzle, flipped a bridge that I shouldn't have, blah blah blah.
But I got out!
Then killed a boss, and completed an objective that's been bothering me.
But I decided to shut it off.
I'm going to try and be careful with how much I play it, because I don't want to get bored of it.
I mean, I have 3 separate characters, and I have slots for 5 more.
But I'm still.. Going to limit myself a bit.
I think we all know that that's going to work for maybe 2 days, before I get bored and go back.
Oh well.
I tried.
I got on Skype for the first time in.. Geez.. Forever.
I video chatted with Liberty for a couple hours.
It was nice!
I liked seeing someone I don't normally see, especially since she moved away.
A majority of my other friends I can actually see. They don't live too far away.
So that was fun.
I just read that in Eddie Izzard's voice in my head.
"So that was fun."
I forgot which act that was in, but it was funny..
It's funny if you've seen it.
If not, ehhhhhh.
I think I want to get a camera.
It doesn't have to be a super-super high quality camera.
I want to start carrying a camera around with me.
I mean, one that's not terrible.
But one that can take pretty good pictures.
I want to start actually documenting my day with pictures of random stuff.
One of my friends did it on her blog. She just carries a camera with her and takes pictures of the things she's done during the day.
Granted, I won't take that many pictures.
But I think it'd be good to add some variety to these blogs.
Maybe I'll look into that.
It'd be fun.
I've looked through so many of these pages.
I have laughed more on this thread than ever before.
It's just so.. Hilarious.
I advise checking that out in your spare time.
It should make you laugh.
But you have to find Nicholas Cage funny.
I don't mean his acting or anything.
Watch the Saturday Night Live "Get in the Cage" sections on Weekend Update.
If you find those sketches funny, you'll find this subreddit absolutely hysterical.
Now, time to quickly discuss my musical inclinations these days.
I've taken it upon myself to teach myself how to play polyrhythms!
That song is a good example of how a polyrhythm works.
Essentially, it's drumming separate time signatures with different limbs.
For example..
Playing on your ride cymbal in a 4/4 signature with your right hand,
While playing a 5/4 bass beat pattern,
And using your snare in a 3/4.
Granted, I'm starting simple.
4/4 right hand, with 3/4 or 5/4 beats with my snare and bass.
Because I learn by watching and listening, I've been watching this cover as much as possible.
Interestingly enough, I already know how to play them!
I've actually been using them in my drumming style, I just.. Never knew they were polyrhythms.
I mean, I can't perfectly count out the beats, and I have no clue how I'd teach them to someone.
But.. It's really hard to explain.
The rhythm just makes sense in my head.
I plan to learn how they work.
I've also ended up just jamming on my drumset by myself.
I've had these rhythms and beats in my head..
That do not fit with any songs I have.
They're.. Ideas, fills, beats, solos.. They're all things that I can hear in my head.
And it's so much fun to play them!
I'm really expanding the way I play the drums.
I really, really want to start making drum covers for Youtube.
I just need a decent quality camera along with a recording studio for the drums.
Not an epic recording studio, but at least some mics for the bass, snare, toms, and some cymbals.
I'll get on that.
That's my musical rant.
Well, tonight's blog is going on for a while..
I'm actually talking with a few friends.
Giving advice, listening to venting, etc etc.
I love being here for my friends.
Hmmm.. What else to say.
I don't think I have anything left really.
I'm going to go play some Street Fighter, maybe some Dark Souls, maybe some Killing Floor..
I don't know.
Gotta keep myself busy!
Have a good evening//night//day!
Have some GIFS.
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Huehuehue |
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I don't even know. |
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Sleep tight! |
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