Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 8: Eventful! Not really..

Day 8.. Hm...
Wasn't really eventful.
For me it was.

I mean, my life is pretty boring.
Right now it is, I mean.

Today, I woke up and sat around the house, listening to music, playing music, playing video games, and...
Reading a bit, actually.

Then I headed out to work!
It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
I felt better about myself, and felt pretty good.
I was able to... Smile and laugh a bit while I stood there, staring at cars, and wishing I had the money to start my project car.

And daydream about when I can own a nice car.

That's what I do.

Then I headed home and played my drums for a good hour.
For the first time, I had to actually roll up my pants and take off my shirt to play.
I was really really getting into it.
Drumming is a very good release for me.
It allows me to beat the shit out of something but produce something at the same time.
I definitely let out the stress and emotions of the past week or so.
I loved it.

I already can't wait to get back on my set.
Right now, I'm addicted to playing this song.

I'm currently trying to absorb Luke Holland's style of playing.
I mean, a majority of the way I play is based off of Cobus' playing. It's what I watch the most, and he's one of my favorite drummers.
However, I need to get some more... Flare. Some more solos, and different fills that I can use on heavier or faster music.

As for what I'm actually listening to, I've been obsessed with the "Punk Goes Pop" cd's.
I really really really really love them.
Quite a bit.

The song I've been absolutely OBSESSED with is...
This one.

I absolutely adore the song.
There's not a single part of the song that I don't like or would change.
I definitely like the guitar at the beginning the most.
It just... It's a really poppy sound. 
You know?
Yeah. Poppy.


After drumming, I went to Shaun's graduation party.
That was fun! I was a little late. By 2 hours.
So only a little. I like to pretend I was fashionably late.
But I got there, and the first thing I did was sit and talk about cars with one of the guys there.
It was fun! We don't have... Really really in-depth knowledge about cars, but enough to have a conversation about.

Then I went home, and for the first time in a while, Cameron, Dan, and Brayden were all at my house, along with Aaron and Shaun.
They're all asleep right now, except Cameron and I. He's playing Call of Duty, and I'm sitting and listening to music. And blogging.

Uh.. Yeah. I think that's all I've got to say right now.
I took my medication, so I'm... Dizzy and sleepy. 
I did an experiment one weekend, and didn't take the one that makes me sleepy the most.
And I didn't fall asleep easily. So I figured out that not taking one of them allows me to stay up and pull an all-nighter! I didn't have to during the school year, but I figured it out, so it was a back-up plan. If necessary.


Anyway, that's my day.
Today, my plans are simple.
Lots of drumming, lots of Youtube video-watching, and spend some time with Jess.

Should be a good day.
Right now, I'm feeling eh.
Not bad.

Just.. Eh.
Not sure how I'm feeling haha.
I'm just existing, I guess.
But I'm not really feeling bad, so that's a plus.

Well, I had a great day.

Good morning, and have a good day!
Today will be better than you think.

Remember, you'll feel depressed sometimes.. But then remember you're awesome.
If today is rough, just hang in there! Smile, think happy thoughts, and drown yourself in music.
Well, don't actually drown yourself. But listen to a lot of music. It can work wonders.

Have a good day everybody!


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