Sunday, October 14, 2012

10/13- Blech.

I've been feeling sick all day. It sucks.

Well, my day was sucky anyway.
Not much happened.
I spent the day curled up on the couch, watching Netflix and listening to music.
I couldn't really get up the motivation to play any video games. I played Dark Souls for maybe 30 minutes.

I'm not sure why today was so.. Disappointing.
I really don't. I just..

Grr. I don't know.
Just a sick sense of dread was in my gut.
The entire day, I felt like I knew something terrible was going to happen.
Well, I've been feeling that way for a few days now.
It's stressing me out.

Now that I think of it, I woke up depressed, because my dreams were exceptionally depressing and weird.
You know that feeling when you wake up and all you can think is,
"Damn, did someone drug me while I was asleep?"
"Dafuq did I just dream?"

I actually said the second one when I woke up.
My dreams were just so...
All over the place.

They were all so random and seemed like they had nothing to do with each other, like random thoughts connected.
But oddly enough.. I sat for a good half hour after I woke up, just thinking about them.
I managed to connect them all and figure out why they were so upsetting.
And I dreamed about the future!
And I was right.
Which wasn't exactly a good thing.

Maybe I'm a crazy awesome fortune teller!
Maybe I should start charging people to tell their future.

Which wouldn't exactly work.. Considering I barely can even tell what I was dreaming when I wake up.

Oh well!
I'll make my own dream world!


I was going to go on a spree and put in Youtube links to all the songs I've been listening to, but...
Decided not to.

They're all very.. Okay, not all of them are depressing.
But I'm too lazy to put in all the ones I've been listening to.

Too many songs.

I'm getting tired of the political ads on Youtube.
Well, I'm tired of them being everywhere.

The ads are like watching kids tell on each other to their parents.
Gets annoying.

I just hit myself in the face with my metal water bottle.
Well done, sir.

Just watch. It'll happen again later.

Oddly enough, I'm feeling... Blog-gy.

I feel like writing about random stuff, and just kind of.. Talking.
"Talking" in a very loose sense of the word.
Typing to all you.. Five or six people that read these.

Odds are, I actually know all of you personally, and you most likely know where I live.
Which is.. Strange. Odd. Now I'm terrified of stalkers. Yay!

Also, when blogging, I feel most comfortable typing on the laptop. I have a mouse and keyboard set up on my desk, and that's usually what I use when I'm doing stuff on my laptop.
But when I'm blogging, I close the little drawer thing that has my keyboard and mouse, and just lean over the desk and type on the laptop.
Maybe that's more of a habit than anything else.
I started blogging before I had my mouse and keyboard hooked up.

Oh! I've also realized something interesting.
So I'm on medication and such, right?
Something that I've heard is that some people take Seroquel and use it like a drug, because it gets them high.

I always thought that was stupid, because.. Well, I take it every night, so I would realize if it made me feel high, right? I always take it then forget about it, so I've never noticed anything weird.
A couple days ago, I took it then decided to sit down and actually see what I feel.
Turns out, it actually does make me really out of it, and kind of loopy.
I've just grown so accustomed to taking it then falling asleep, that I never thought about what happens in between those two events.

So I guess I just never realized that it's not just making me tired, it's also making me feel loopy and out of it.
Fact of the day!

Hmm... While I'm feeling chatty, what else do I want to say..

I think we need to bring back this dancing style.
Totally want to go to a club with someone else and dance like this.

Ah darn. I watched a Youtube video of these guys performing a song, and I started crying.
My own mind betrays me!

Hehe. Kitty.

I'm really not sure what the hell is up with  me right now.
I'm bored. And I really do NOT want to go to sleep. I'm worried where my dreams will take me.
So I'm trying to find things to distract myself with until I pass out.
I'll stay here and annoy you all a bit longer.

Oh dammit.
I have a playlist on Youtube of my favorite music videos or musical displays, and the next 3 are ones that make me cry my eyes out.

ALRIGHTY THEN. We're skipping those.

I want money.
I want to get my tattoos started. I have a few of them planned out, but.. Flat broke.
Can't find a job. Lame. I have more ideas of what I want to get done, but.. Yeah. Money.
One of these days.

Alright.. I'm getting dizzy and emotional.
I'm tired of being awake and having to put up with my thoughts.
So it's bed time.

Hope this super-exciting-happy-fun-time-go-go blog was interesting!
Nighty night.


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