Sunday, October 14, 2012

10/14- Also Blech.

Today was also the same as yesterday..
It just sucked.

I slept until around 1 or so, then woke up to study.
I spent a majority of the day studying and listening to music.
I went to sleep around 4, woke up at 7 or 7:30 ish.

I don't know why today was so bad. It just was.
You know?

Meh. I don't know.
I'm laying with my head on my desk, eyes closed, listening to mucis.
I don't know why I'm so.. Blehhh today.
All weekend.
Well, I do know. There's actually a lot of reasons I'm feeling bleh.
But it'd take up a good three or four pages to write it all.


I'm just not in the mood to deal with people right now.
Which is probably good, considering I'm cooped up in my room with a blanket on, listening to music.
I'm just..
Yeah. Not happy tonight.
Usually, I actually do alright.
But not last night, and not tonight.

It's just one of those months I suppose.
Oh well. It'll go away. Time keeps ticking, no matter what. Life will go on.

Alright, I'm done. I don't want to be on my computer right now.
I'm going to try and sleep.

That's a lie. I can't sleep right now.
I'm going to stay up and listen to music.




I made a funny. It may suck, but I thought it was funny.
Photoshop skills: Level 100

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