Saturday, October 20, 2012

10/19- Party!

Yes! My party is going on right now!
Me, Frankie, and Ellie were all chilling in the basement, watching Netflix and playing video games.
Frankie went up to her little kennel to sleep.
So now Ellie and I are still hanging around.

I'm kind of like a crazy cat person.
But I have two dogs.

And we do nothing.
And it's fun!

Today.. Hmm..
Not bad, not good. As usual.

When I log into the Blogger Dashboard, I get upset.
There's a blog that I follow that updated, and some of the things that were written made me sad.
So I avoid hanging around the Dashboard as much as possible.

Hopefully I have a couple friends coming over tomorrow.

I definitely hope so.

I'm feeling all.. Bleeehhhhhhhh.

Not too good.
But that's okay.
I've been doing as much as possible to keep myself distracted.
Which is working alright.

Well, I'm off to play more then eventually go to sleep.



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