Monday, October 1, 2012

9/30- Hmm. I got to drive around a bit.

Today wasn't really bad, actually.
I woke up, sat around and played some games, did some reading.

All that stuff.

Yesterday, the guys and I went to Gamestop.
I picked up the game Dark Souls, and Geoff gave me an extra $5 for the game Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom.

I played a lot of Dark Souls today, and...
Dear god.

This game is difficult.
Which turned off a lot of people.
A lot.

But I actually kind of like it.
I mean.. Very hard game.

But it's fun.
Kingdom Under Fire is also really fun!
I've played it before, and I'm glad I have it again.
Difficult and fun game.

The ending of the day was... Eh.
I ended up driving out to Old Town and walking around.
It was.. I don't know. Wasn't bad.
I didn't have anyone to hang out with, so it was a little boring.

However, I ended up texting my friend Janae.
And, I drove out to Loveland to hang out with her!

We both vented and got to talk about a lot of things that had been bothering us.
I've missed talking with her haha.
Hopefully we'll get coffee again later this week.

And now I'm playing League with Caleb!
Well, I'm off for the night.


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