Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/24- So.. Much.. Swearing..


So, normally, before bed, I accomplish something in the video game, so I can be at a stopping point before I go to sleep.
But tonight..

In Dark Souls.

I mean, it's my 2nd playthrough, and.. Damn. He's brutal.

I was swearing at my Xbox for a good 2 hours.
I came upstairs and angrily grabbed some water.
My mom kind of looked at me sideways and said, "So... Having fun?"
Apparently, my exclaims, abundance of swear words, and creative expletives were all louder than I thought.

But.. I maintain that it's fun.
It's a game that really, really gets under my skin. Not enough to make me quit, but enough to piss me off and make me try harder.

It's bothering me.
I guess I'll beat him tomorrow.
Frickin... Ass.
I'd flip a table if I had a table to flip that didn't have my laptop on it.

Oh well.

Hmmm. Aside from that..
My day was pretty normal. Nothing out of the ordinary happened.
Which is good, I suppose. I haven't been in the best of moods lately.
Not for any reason, just.. Tired. Of everything.

Today is Thursday...
Today, then tomorrow.
Tomorrow night, friends are spending the night.
I really, really, really need some friends over.

Nobody came over last weekend, so I've been feeling all.. Blehh.
Hopefully I'll make it to Friday.

Let's see..
I can't think of anything super-exciting that's happening.

I need to go back to doing some reading in the Qur'an for my World Literature class.
And I get to write a one-page response to it.

I'm going to get back to that.

Note: I love my friends.
I'll leave it at that.



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