Thursday, March 8, 2012

I don't have a particularly clever title on this post!

This is the third time I've adjusted this post for today..
I wrote out two other posts, but I just didn't like any of it!

I either was too mad, too depressed, or just plain blank.
And I didn't really like anything that I was talking about.

So, rather than force myself to talk about things I don't want to talk about, I figure I'll just write this blog with random thoughts.

That Kony thing is weirding me out.

I don't know what to think about it!
On one hand, they're raising awareness, which is good!

But they're making him famous for something terrible. I realize they're trying to make him infamous, but so far all they're doing is making him seem like a celebrity.

I don't know what to really say about it...
I think it's awesome that they're raising awareness!
That's definitely an awesome thing.
They're just talking about who he is.
They're spending money on advertisements and making him famous.

I realize that America needs to step up and realize what's going on..
But.. I don't know. It seems like on Facebook, I'm being flooded with news feeds of people content to say,
"OMG this is bad! Come on guys, share this photo, and that will show him!"

I mean.. I don't know. I'm just being cynical about this.

It's a great cause and I support Invisible Children 100%.
I just.. I don't know. It seems like they're content just to get noticed.

I have to say, I could write a much bigger blog about this topic alone!
But I simply don't want to right now. And frankly, it is extremely hard for me to write about, because I just would find this topic to be more beneficial in person.

In summary, I think it's great that they're raising awareness. I just think they're giving him celebrity status.


I really don't know how I'm feeling right now.
I've been on an emotional rollercoaster all day, to be honest.
Okay........ All week.
I'm not even sure why!
I would make a period joke, but that's weird.

But seriously!
My emotions have been going through extremes all week.
I haven't had a manic episode in a while, which is.. I'm not sure if it's good or bad.
I miss that super-happy feeling, but at the same time, I don't like feeling manic.
It's actually kind of scary.

I'd much rather be depressed than manic. Seriously.
I mean, I get A LOT when I'm manic, but.... Yeah. I don't like the feeling.

But I suppose I'm doing okay right now.
Not fantastic.
Not really good actually.
Not too bad.
Definitely down, but.. I don't know.

I can live with it.
I'll feel better one of these days.

Recently, tons of people have been putting up very.. Interesting statuses.
I mean that in a good way.
They've been emotional, and just interesting.

At one point, I used to lay back and let one of my friends just read off all the statuses that their friends had put up!
God.. I miss that. That was some of the most fun I've ever had. That kind of thing amuses me to no end.

I was planning on putting down a status that I found interesting today, but now that I think of it, I'd rather not.
If I put it up, I'd have to talk about it, and I'm too lazy to do that right now!

Besides, I've put off studying long enough.
I should really get back to that.

So umm... Yeah..
That's my day!


Well, I'm going to go back to studying.
I have two tests tomorrow, and I've been studying for them a lot today. Which is good!
I mean, I don't feel like I'll do super fantastic.
But... I don't know. I guess I feel more prepared for this test than the last one.

I hope.

Good night everybody!



Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. My Own Hell by Five Finger Death Punch
  2. Burn It Down by Five Finger Death Punch
  3. Surfacing by Slipknot
  4. Burn It Down by Avenged Sevenfold
  5. Down With The Sickness by Disturbed
(Hmm.. My musical choice today reflects how I'm feeling right now).

Song Lyric of the Day

~Twisting and turning unable to sleep,
Do the voices ever stop!?
My thoughts speak louder the more I resist
And I after I remain insane
do they ever go…

I’m a danger to myself (I’m a danger to myself!)
I’m a prisoner of my own hell (my own hell!)

Loosing the battle I’ve waged on myself
Lock me up and toss the key!
Toys in the attic,
It’s all getting worse.
Why won’t I let me be!?
Oh god make it stop!

I’m a danger to myself (I’m a danger to myself!)
I’m a prisoner of my own hell (my own hell!)

Fit me for a straight jacket.
Put me in a padded cell.
I’m a danger to you all,
And I’m a danger to myself!~

-My Own Hell by Five Finger Death Punch

Video Game of the Day

The Darkness II

Youtube Video of the Day

I love this guy.
One of my top ten favorite drummers.
Also, he's short. 
Which makes me happy.

Picture(s) of the Day


Anonymous said...

There's a report saying that they only donate 30% of the money donated to the Kony cause to the invisible children. I was trying to read up on it, but life events got in the way. Maybe do some more research on the subject? It's touchy... but I (personally) want to know the whole truth. Maybe another blog post about this?

‡- Nolan -‡ said...

I might have to do that (:

I'll definitely think about it!
Over break, my blogs will most likely be short, and...
About video games.

But when I get off break, I'll definitely think about writing a bigger post about it!
I'll just have to make sure I get the right research, because this is a delicate topic for a lot of people.

Thanks for your input (: