Friday, March 23, 2012

Tonight's gonna be good (:

The title basically says it all!
I'm pretty sure I'm going to have an awesome night.
I'm going out around midnight to hang out with some friends!
We might go see a movie, or we might just.. Drive around and hang out.
Either way, it'll be fun.

I'm in a fantastic mood.
I really am.

In fact, I've been pretty darn happy the past couple days.
I'm not quite sure why....

Actually, I'm pretty sure I know why.
Buuuuuuut I'm not going to tell you.
It's a secret.

I'm special.

I'm so weird.

Also, I think sometime soon, I might be gauging my ears.

Not that kind of gauge.
Not the "OH MY GOD I COULD FIT MY HAND IN HIS EAR" type of gauge.
I'm thinking the smaller ones.

Personally, I kind of like the small gauges.
The reason I'm choosing a small size is because... Big looks freaking weird.
I could NEVER pull it off.
However, I think I could pull off small sized plugs.
And I've asked a few people, and theoretically, with the smallest gauge, the hole would eventually heal.
Which is good.

Still a debate.
I'm not quite sure.

I just... Want to pierce my ears.
Or maybe get spider bites.

Probably not spider bites.

But anyway.

What did I do today...
Went to class.. Went to class.. Went to class, took a test... Class was canceled... Came home, went to work...
Now I'm sitting and watching more Doctor Who.
Been watching it for the past couple days.
I really like it!
A lot.

So that's basically what I'm doing right now.

In a bit, I'm going to go shower and make myself look pretty.
That's a lie.

I'm going to shower and wash my hair!
And such.

So yeah.

I'm excited for tonight.
It should be fantastic (:

So I'm going to go now.
I'll blog again later!

Good night everybody!

Sleep well.


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