Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Life... The second most boring thing on this earth!

What is the first most boring thing on this earth, you may ask?

I have no clue.
But I'm pretty sure there's something out there.

My life is pretttttttttty boring at the moment.

My life consists of:

  • Class
  • Studying
  • Homework
  • Work
  • Eating (occasionally)
  • League of Legends
  • Super Street Fighter IV
  • Netflix
Oh, I need to work out too.
I got behind for the last week and a half that I was sick.
I gained all the weight back that I had diligently lost...

So now I need to go back and do it all again.

Oh well.

I may not be hot by spring break, but it's not like I'm going anywhere, is it?

I guess that's something that's coming up.
Spring Break!

I genuinely have no idea what I'll be doing all break. 

A couple months ago, I had some great ideas, some great plans of things to do.
But it turns out that most of those ideas won't be happening.
Oh well!

I know that I'm going backpacking with my friend Cameron and a few other guys.
I miss Cameron. So much!
He's such a close friend to me. 
He's there in a way that literally no one else has ever been there.
We don't sit and talk about feelings... Ever

Which is one of the reasons that I look forward to hanging out with him. He doesn't judge, he doesn't make fun of me, and...... I don't think I've ever been frustrated with him. Not once.
Since 4th grade. Well, since 5th. We met in 4th, started hanging out in 5th.
So I still consider him my friend since 4th grade.

Yeah. I miss him.
He's an amazing guy.

So I guess I'm doing some backpacking, but that's pretty much it.

Not that that's not fun!
I'm just saying..

Well I wish I had more to do. I wish I had something to really look forward to.

Damn, I'm just not in a good mood tonight, am I?


Let's see if I can write something a little more interesting.



There's a couple tools in my Philosophy 110 class.
They're actually kind of funny.

In the douch-y way. 
You know?
It's funny cause they walk in and you look at them, "HAH. Tools! They're probably stereotypical!"

Then they walk up and say "Hey brah, what's up bro?"

Then you realize that the stereotype was right..... 
And you're sad, because holy shit, he said two variations on the word "bro" in the same sentence.
Then you see that he's wearing an Aeropostale shirt with the collar popped up.


You know.. That kind of funny. 
It's funny because they're stupid.

I mean seriously!
There is no advantage to popping your collar. 
It just makes me laugh. 
It's even better because they are SUCH JOCKS. It's ridiculous.
One of them plays rugby, which is pretty cool.
Greeting everyone with 'BRAH', and seriously meaning it? It's funny.
The only thing that bothers me more than being greeted with 'BRAH' is someone calling me 'bud'. 

Yeah.. I don't know. The tools make me smile.

I heard someone mention that metal music has no talent requirement, that it's the easiest genre of music to play.

I don't think you can say that about any genre of music. Because there are always those who will play that genre, and play it perfectly.

Okay, yes. I used to fit into that category and think that way. But that was 5+ years ago.
When I didn't listen to much music.

It's... It's just annoying to me when someone who clearly listens to and enjoys playing music can... Insult an entire genre. 
I don't understand that. 

I mean, you definitely hear all the time that screaming doesn't require talent.
Well, let's see you scream lyrics, alternating highs and lows, and then sing the chorus.
Yeah, kinda tough.
If you've ever tried screaming, it just isn't something you can pick up right away.
To a point, you have to be able to sing to scream.
Because screaming requires manipulating your vocal chords in an entirely different way than most singing!
It's not as easy as it looks!
I tried it!
Didn't end well. At all. 

So yeah.. Don't insult a genre. Or you shall incur the wrath of..
I don't know. 
Something terrifying. 

Oompa Loompas.
Or even worse..


Hah. Jersey shore.
Southpark episode... 
Fricking orange-ass freaky oompa loompa midget thing.
She terrifies me.


Listening to Rainbow Veins by Owl City..

God. this song is emotional for me. 
So many memories associated with Owl City and Nevershoutnever.

I can't listen to 'Vanilla Twilight' by Owl City, or 'Can't Stand It' by Nevershoutnever without crying.



Oh man! I was watching some professional Street Fighter IV matches today.

I mean, you always hear the stereotype of asians being good at.. well.. everything.
But especially video games.
And tests.

"American children take tests, asian children take over the world."


It's true.
But any way.

The Koreans that I saw in the pro matches were RIDICULOUS.

Then again, anyone who plays Super Street Fighter IV at a pro level is ridiculous. 

Again! Something that people don't think requires talent.
But geez. If you watch a pro match, then pick up the controller, you realize just how hard that is.
It requires an insane amount of skill. 
To be able to predict opponents' movements, adjust your combos based on their position, how many hits they're blocking, if they're blocking high or low, if you can retreat..

They're crazy.

I like video games. Quite a lot.

Oh! On... Wednesday night?
I beat Deus Ex. Opah!
I started a new game, and I'm going for the non-lethal playthrough to get the Pacifist achievement.
A 15+ hour game, not killing anyone... 
Challenge accepted.

It's fun.
Stun gun is.... Kind of over-powered.


My thoughts are scattered. I just kinda picked up the keyboard..
No I didn't.

I wanted to word it something like, "I just started blogging."

I suppose I could have just said that.

I started blogging because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. 
I need to take my medication and wait for it to knock me out.

I'm having too much fun listening to emotional music and blogging.

It's like crack for people with no life.

But you can't really snort a blog.
I suppose if you printed out every page then chopped it up, you could snort it. 
Or you could put the data for a blog on a jump drive, chop that up, then snort it.
Or take a screenshot of the blog, print that out, then snort it.

I'm so confused.
Why would you snort a blog?

I don't even know.
I think I thought about that too much.

Crazy kids. And our blogs.
And our Ipods.
And our bluetooths.

Speaking of which, I want to go watch the Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged movie. 
You know what?

Screw being overly emotional and upset.
I'm going to go watch something funny, dammit.

So, I'm gonna go watch this, and hopefully feel happier!

I'm gonna get off this blog before I get emotional again.

Until next time (tomorrow night), this is Ryan Seacrest.


It's Batman.



The Abridged movie is literally 1 minute in, and I'm already laughing.
I pretty much have memorized 2/3 of the Abridged series.. I've watched them SO MUCH.
And now watching this is making me happy.


Good night.
Top Five Songs of the Day
  1. Odd One by Sick Puppies
  2. Shots by LMFAO
  3. Riot by Three Days Grace
  4. Sound of Fury by The Iris Diaphragm
  5. The Fading Apocalypse by The Iris Diaphragm
(The Iris Diaphragm's Facebook page is right here!)

Song Lyric of the Day

~When i walk in the club
All eyes on me
I'm with the party rock crew
All drinks are free
We like ciroc
We love patron
We came to party rock
Everybody its on
Let's go

Shots shots shots shots shots shots
shots shots shots shots shots
shots shots shots shots shots
everybody (x2)

Hey (x21)~

-Guess what song this is.
Shots! By LMFAO.
In case you weren't sure.

Video Game of the Day
Tekken 6

Youtube Video of the Day

I absolutely love this video.. With a passion.
I need to hang out with the wrong crowd some day.
Them and their car stereos.

Picture(s) of the Day

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