Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 59: Brakes!

The brakes on my car have been replaced.
Took longer than expected.

Much longer.
But they're fixed! Hooray!
Jessi stopped by and made my day.
We got to sit and talk a bit while my dad went out and picked up a couple parts.
Just seeing her for that short time made everything better.
I swear... That girl...
Pretty damn awesome. Not many people put up with me as a friend, and I can't imagine how rough it is to be my girlfriend. I don't deserve her at all. But, I got her!
Great event. One of my happiest.

Cameron came home from Iowa today.

And Aaron and Ian come home Tuesday.
I'm excited to see them all.

Aaron Ian and I FINALLY get to try out Dawn of War II together!

I decided to go out and consume video games today.
I've gotten much better at Trials Evolution. I mean.. I don't know. I hit some kind of high point.
I've been dominating Extreme and Ninja difficulty races all day.
It's kind of awesome.
Good feeling.

I've also expanded my fighting game... Playing.
I tried out the King of Fighters XII demo after watching an EVO 2012 tournament. It's a fun game.
I might buy it another time.

Then I tried Guilty Gear again. I haven't for a long long time.
It's fun! Once you understand fighting game mechanics, it gets a lot more interesting.

Actually, next time I have $20, it's going straight to Arma II: Operation Arrowhead.
Terrible game.

But know why I want it?


Epic. Mod.
Zombie survival. I mean, REAL survival. Food, water, health, bleeding.. The whole nine yards.
(Wherever that expression came from).
It should be fun.

I've been watching his videos, and I'm really excited to get the game to try this mod out.
Rumors are that they're working on a stand-alone free to play version.
Until then, I shall try this out. 
With a smaller version of the game.

Well. I'm off to play some games.
And browse Reddit.

Ah yes, I joined Reddit. And I love it already.

And talk to my wonderful girlfriend.
Until one of us falls asleep!

Night night.


Thought of the day from Ben:

What about Hindus?
You Only Reincarnate Forever #YORF"

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