Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 72: I feeeeeeeeeel youuuu, jooaaannnnnnaaaa!

In case you couldn't tell from the title, I watched Sweeney Todd with Jessi today!
She came over to my house and watched Sweeney Todd!
I just re-stated what the first line said..

She was singing every single song that came on..
It was cute! She's seen it enough to know all the songs.
She was REALLY getting into it in the songs about Joanna!
In case you didn't get that.

And I now have that stuck in my head. 
I'll be singing that song for days.

And some Robot Chicken.
It was all awesome.

I tend to.. I don't know. I'm generally not a fan of blood in movies, just because it's the kind of thing that I'll never be able to get out of my head, and pop up in my nightmares.
But... Well, Jessi understands that. So while we watched it, she pointed out little things that made her laugh, and helped me laugh at how visibly fake the deaths were.

She really really made it easy to watch a movie as dark as that. Ah I don't know what I'd do without her.
I was able to watch something that normally would have freaked me out because she helped me through it.
And I'm less freaked out now! It was a phenomenal movie. And Johnny Depp was sexy as always.

After I dropped her off at home, I picked up Panda Express for my dad and I.
We watched Cowboys and Aliens, and Lockout.

Good movies.

Right now, I'm watching Avatar, and debating if I want to play something else. Ah well. I'll decide later.


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