Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 68: Not much today.. But tomorrow...!

Today was awfully boring.
Job applications..

Decided to re-watch all the Top Gear on Netflix.
The UK version. Because the Amurrican Top Gear just doesn't cut it.

Sitting and browsing Reddit and Facebook..
I popped around $50 on Steam for people I don't know, and some I do know..

I should have kept some for myself haha.

Oh well.
Christmas sale is... Coming.

Uh.. Messed around on Rainmeter a lot today.
Here's my current setup.

It's simplistic and pretty.
I have SO MANY themes installed.

I'm very excited to build my own gaming desktop.
Once I have money.

Tomorrow, I have a date with Jessi!
I'm excited.
We have a couple different things we might go out and do.

She said we should find a diner and share a milkshake and take cute pictures.
I'm very very very excited to do that!
It'll be so much fun. I absolutely LOVE *eye rolls back* taking cutesy pictures with her.
She's the only person that I'm photogenic around.
She's cool like that.

So I'm excited to wake up and pick her up tomorrow... Today.
I can't wait.

I suppose I should go get some sleep now.
I will in a little bit.

Adios internet!


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