Sunday, February 16, 2014

02/16- I was remotely healthy today!

No seriously! Since my today was my rest day from working out, I chose to try and eat super-healthy.

Anyway, let's continue. Ian came over yesterday and we played games. Today we played games more! Then he went home.

I spent the day smoking hookah, studying, and trying to decide on a video game to play. Never really made up my mind, and I've been bouncing around game-to-game all evening. But back to the healthy part.

For breakfast/lunch, I had a bag of whole grain brown rice with chicken and red peppers, and a fruit smoothie consisting of frozen fruit and yogurt as a drink. Then for dinner I had a bowl and a half or so of pasta with pepperjack cheese! So now I'm sufficiently loaded and ready for arms and shoulders day tomorrow morning.

That's... Kinda it.
I don't have much else to say. I'm tired, I have a headache, and I'm a tiny bit emotional off of a video that a friend posted about how love isn't supposed to hurt. So... I'm probably going to go to bed.

Yeahhhh it's only 10, but my head is killing me. And I have to be up at 6:30 tomorrow, so sleep would be good to have. Ah well. I'm off to bed now guys. Sleep well! I look forward to working out again tomorrow, I kind of missed it today.


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