Tuesday, February 25, 2014

02/25- Legggggggg day!

My legs aren't as dead today... I'm kind of bummed.
I mean, I worked as hard as I usually do. Maybe I'm just getting used to the resistances I use. Yay progress!

Let's see what else did I do today...
Went to math class. I'm starting to realize the only reason to go to math class is to do the in-class response things that are worth a small amount of points, because I do all the learning by myself. It's kinda weird. But I mean I'm going. But at the same time, if there is a class I can afford to skip... It's that one.

After classes, I went to Wal-Mart and picked up a salad, some protein shakes, and a protein bar. I've read that I should eat some protein before my workout as well as after, so I'm going to see if there are any protein bars I can occasionally pick up (cause they're like a dollar or more each).

After Wal-Mart, I came home and played some League with Caleb and Lizzi, then a game with Lizzi, and now I'm waiting to find out if anyone else is going to get on so I can play with them. If not, I'll just go to bed.

Uh... Yeah! Tomorrow is fulllllll. I have my early workout, then classes, then I'm getting lunch with my friend Brynn, then math tutoring, then Christine and Caleb are coming over! Pretty excited.

I'm probably going to go play some other games and wait to see if anyone wants to play League. If not, I'm off to bed. Nighty night folks,


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