Sunday, February 2, 2014

02/02- Sportsball!

Yeah so an important episode of football was on today, season finale or something. There was a lot of sportsing going on Facebook and you know me, I was SUPER excited.

Let's see, what did I actually do...
OH. I slept a bunch! Until like... 1. And I had some very distressing dreams involving some sort of murder and a really freaky creature that was coming for me. So that was fun. But when I got up, I... I do not remember what I did. I think I just stayed around the house and watched Netflix and played games. I accomplished a bit of studying though! So there's that. I had a very long and important talk with my friend Ashley about something big, so that was difficult, but she said some things I needed to hear. So I made a decision about something, and I guess I just have to see how it turns out. Uhhhhm... That's my day actually. I don't think I did anything else. My legs are still killing me from leg day and I have to wake up earlyyyyy to work out tomorrow, so that'll be exciting.

And... That's really it. I'm just iffy on blogging tonight so I'm going to head to sleep.
Hopefully tomorrow goes better than today!


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