Monday, December 19, 2011

Not much to really talk about.

Not much has really been happening today..
Woke up, sent Lizzi her good morning video, then played some video games.
Most of the day was spent gaming and being lazy.
I didn't really get the chance to Skype with Lizzi today which was kinda weird.
But, we both went out to other friends' houses to game.

I'm at my friend's house, watching some Princess Mononoke, which is my favorite Miyazaki movie.
If we're all awake, we're gonna watch Castle in the Sky afterwards.
Both of my favorites.

Today was pretty boring actually.

That's it.

Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Warrior by Disturbed
  2. Grey Street by Dave Matthews
  3. I Will Possess Your Heart by Death Cab for Cutie
  4. Ticking Bombs by Eyes Set to Kill
  5. Everlong by Foo Fighters
Top Video Game of the Day

Dead Space 2

Picture of the Day

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