Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/22- Classes have started! I now kind of have a life!

Well, classes this semester started the exact same way that they did for the last 3 semesters.


I went to class on a Tuesday, but went to my first Monday class, freaked out, went to the other building, then realized it was Tuesday and not a Monday, then realized I was on campus approximately 2 hours early.

However, I like my classes so far.

And I have a decent study schedule planned out for each day.

And.. Well, I don't think that girl that I have a crush on is actually interested in me.
We talked a bit over break, and I asked her if she wanted to get lunch some time.
She said she'd think about it.

So.. I mean, it's not like I got straight up denied or anything.
I just realized that she wasn't as excited to see me as I was for her.

So I'm going to try and take Bethany's advice, and be happy being single.

I don't know how I'll do it.
I always need someone to.. I need someone to pay attention to!
I need to make someone feel special.

And being single... I don't get to treat any one person in such a grand way.
It's going to be weird.

I already have lots of emotional connections right now.
A few are stronger than the others.

While I can't always have the person I want, I need to learn to step back and let them make moves, instead of just me.

I really, really don't know what I'm going to be doing.
But after a couple conversations with a friend, and another with.. Another person, I've decided that I need to stop being someone that needs to be babysat.

If a couple of my friends had been thinking of me that way, then I don't know how many others do.
I'm not going to do anything crazy or drastic, but I need to be someone better this semester.
Maybe I won't lose any more friends that way.
Maybe I'll be more independent at the start of the summer.


Maybe I'll just end up eating chocolate, crying, and watching romantic movies.

Or both!


I don't want to talk about any of that anymore.

I need to do something to stay occupied right now.
I don't want to be thinking.


Video games.

So I've been playing Dan in Street Fighter a lot recently.
He's the joke character.
But he's actually decent in this game!

And a majority of playing him is also in the presentation.

I mean this as in.. Taunt ALL the time!
After a knockdown, run backwards, taunt.
They throw a fireball? Jump over it, mid-air taunt.
There's an awkward moment where they're not doing anything?

Repeatedly shoryuken towards them, then when they move towards you, jump over their head and grab them.

Then taunt.

I've played some online games with him, without any intent to win.
Just to mess around, just to have fun.

I loved it.

I'm going to learn some combos, then play online a bit.

Just gotta keep busy.
Avoid thinking about.. People.

I'm going to be a hermit.


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