Monday, January 28, 2013

1/28- Today wasn't half bad..

It really wasn't.
Today was not that bad of a day.
I expected it to be bad, just because it was a Monday, and because my days haven't been that good.

But it was alright.
I got a short 15-minute workout from Mike. It's the Tom Hardy workout.
I woke up at 9:45, and actually did the workout, then left for class.

I'm proud of myself for doing that!
I really am.

Just have to remind myself it's a short workout, designed to be done maybe 4 times a day.

So I'm going to do one after I blog, before bed.

Class was.. Class.
I got to have class with my friend Lucy! We met in a psych class last 2 semesters ago, and we're good friends.
Finally, I found someone I know in one of my classes!
Now I don't have to sit alone!


I came home and watched a couple movies. What did I watch.. Um..
I watched The Muppets, then Mulan 2.
Great movies!

I was in a Disney-esque mood today.

Then I basically hung out and played some Street Fighter with friends, from 8 to about 5 minutes ago.
It was fun!
I love those guys. They're all hilarious.

Oh! I got 5 copies of Dota 2 for free.. I guess if you own it, you get 5 free copies.
So I gave some out to a couple friends, so we have another game to play together.

I'm excited for Friday. I hope people will come.
Going to see a movie (haven't decided) then go to dinner (haven't decided) then just come over and chill at my house for a while.

What we do at my house will completely depend on who comes.
If we don't get gamers, we'll watch more movies.
If we get gamers...

Woo! Gamer time!

Either way, I'm excited. I love hanging out with my friends.

I'm starting to think, and thinking doesn't end well.
I'm going to finish this blog, do my workout, take a long, hot shower, then.. Play some more games!
I don't have class until 12:30, so I can go to sleep by 3 and I'll be fine.

I went back to those couple blogs that had the google images linked to them, and deleted the pictures.
I'm tired of getting unneeded views from people just browsing pictures.
If someone wants to read my blog.. I want it to be for something I've said.
Not just the picture I have in it.


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