Thursday, January 10, 2013

1/9- 10,000 hits!

As of right now, my blog as 10,005 views!

Granted, there are those people that get that many hits a day, but I am still pretty happy about that.

Let's see....

I did some weed-pulling in the back yard! That was exciting.

Then I went to Avogadro's Number and dropped off my application.
Filled out an application for King Sooper's, and printed out one for Soups.


I played a bunch of Street Fighter with Julien and Funk for a while.
Then played some League of Legends with Belle!

All around, it was a pretty good day!

I don't have many exciting plans this weekend.

I feel like something was happening Friday, but I don't remember. Oh well!


EDIT: Right! Friday! I'm hanging out with that guy Nick. Narghile Nights! I'm excited to go back there, especially with someone new to talk to!

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