Monday, August 27, 2012

8/27- Uhhh.. Yeeahh..

Hmmm today was less than exciting. Not much really happened.
Went to class.. Came home.. Did some job applications.. Played some Street Fighter.. Did my workout..

That's my day actually.

Well, I'm on the phone with Jessi right now. We're talking about our day and such.
Tomorrow, she's going to see Obama at CSU.
Actually, lots of people I know are going to see Obama.
Hmm. I feel like I should.

Oh well.

My workout routine is going well! I'm still kind of fine-tuning it right now.

Right now, my leg section of the workout isn't really really demanding.
I mean, it's basically lots of jogging in place, then really fast high steps.
Well, I do it for two or three song lengths.
One song I do it with 5 pounds on each foot, one with 4, and one with 2.5.

So it's not super-demanding and it isn't something that really kills you.

Well, my entire routine isn't super-demanding.
 Like I've said, it's more of just an exercise.

I mean, it has enough weight that it requires some effort, and it's enough to make you feel at least kind of sore afterwards.
Well, it definitely helps gain some muscle. I've noticed my arms are getting a little more toned than they were before. At least I think so.
I've already realized that I don't really.. Gain muscle mass easily.
But I don't care! I don't like bulging muscles anyway. I prefer toned.
So hopefully doing this routine enough will help.

That's all I've got for now I suppose.

See you all later!


P.S: Here are some videos for your amusement.

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