Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 100: I suppose summer is over..

Summer is... Over.

I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this.
Well, I suppose now that I think about it, I'm a little... Meh. About it.

Sad day.
Oh well.

Let's see...

Today, I got my textbooks and such. So... Yeah.

My books are less difficult than last semester!
It's pretty awesome.

I have 1 class with Caleb! Which is really really awesome.
I saw Brittany today while I was picking up my books, and we talked for a few minutes.
I don't have her in any of my classes, which is a little.. I don't know.

I thought I wasn't going to have any friends in my classes, which was making this scarier than it should be, given that.. I don't really.... Make friends in a big classroom setting. Well, not easily.

Caleb is in my class on MWF!
It definitely makes going to class a little less lame.

Uhhhhh what else happened..
Not much.

So I'm going to go play some games and be lazy.



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