Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 97: Her car works!

Not much happened today.

I saw Jessi!
It was good. I went and picked her up from her friend's house, then we drove around a bit.
Up and down Horsetooth, around town a little bit.
She picked up her car from the shop...

It works!
Yay for having a working car.

That's good. I'm glad.
I felt bad that she had no car.
Especially since Meghan and I bought her zebra striped license plate covers and a zebra striped steering wheel cover!


So yeah...

That's all that really happened today.

Although, for the first time in a while, I'm sitting and looking at a blank piece of paper with a pencil..
I feel artistic right now. But I have no idea how to channel it.
You know?

It's annoying.

Well, I think I'm good for now.

See you all later.


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