Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dat 41: Untitled

Today's blog is untitled!
In case you couldn't tell.

No particular reason, really.

Just.. No title ideas.

I'm sick.
And it's not very nice. Being sick during the summer.
Achy, achy, stomach upset, aches, dizzy... All that fun stuff!

I woke up at 2:30 today.
Latest I've ever slept.
I ended up sitting in my room most of the day (shocker, right?).
I made a new Trials Evolution track today. I've made 2. One yesterday, one today.
I'm quite proud of the second one.
I shared it on the track-making community, and I'm very excited to see what people think of it.

I think I did pretty well.
I think track making really is dependent on your actual skill. As such, I made an 'extreme' level difficulty race!
Yay! I'm good at something!
Kind of.

So yeah.

I also decided to play some Forza again today.
Just unlocked this car. 2005 TVR Sagaris.

Ooooh the front is pretty cool looking! The car looks awesome until....

Ewwww what the hell happened to the back? It looks nasty.

Not my favorite car.

Now THAT.. THAT is a pretty car.
My personal favorite. I love it.


I can't wait to see Jessi again. Everything seems perfect and comfortable when I'm with her. 

I don't have to worry about the future or anything. The whole world is her and I holding each other.

It's when I'm at my best.

I'm off to race that TVR abomination, because it's the only UK model car that I have that DOESN'T suck. 
Then I get to race in an R3 rank tournament! Yay Nolan. Getting excited over a bunch of 0's and 1's. 


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